11-22 畜禽存栏数
Number of Livestock and Poultry on Hand
项目 Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
猪存栏数(万头) Number of Hogs on Hand(10000 heads) 1087.66 1249.83 1348.45 910.90 937.62
#能繁殖母猪   Number of Female Hogs with Fertility 76.27 97.97 133.05 92.77 94.98
牛存栏数(万头) Bull(10000 heads) 111.44 75.63 49.70 31.64 31.50
#乳牛   Cow 3.59 4.99 4.01 4.43 4.64
羊存栏数(万头) Number of sheep on Hand(10000 heads) 96.22 93.56 94.43 105.90 105.17
家禽年末数(亿只) Number of Poultry at the Year-end(100 million heads) 1.09 0.99 0.94 2.07 2.13
家兔年末数(万只) Number of Domestic Rabbit at the Year-end(10000 heads) 714.40 822.67 658.06 565.15 570.00
Number of Beehive at the Year-end(10000 cases) 23.09 35.32 36.26 56.88 61.65
Note:Poultry mainly include chicken, duck and goose.