11-8 年末各类园林水果实有面积
Actually Areas of Fruit and Subtropical Plant at Year-end
单位:公顷 (hectare)
项目 Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  园林水果合计  Fruits 563700 550669 425824 355785 368357
  #柑桔   Citrus 137888 170327 77007 56172 59932
    龙眼   Longan 90809 81605 53284 30132 29800
    荔枝   Lychee 40210 39010 27390 14084 13410
    香蕉   Banana 33017 29792 19583 11840 11850
    枇杷   Loquat 19091 32728 26365 20429 21011
    菠萝   Pineapple 3609 4031 2123 1025 1034
    橄榄   Chinese Olive 13027 9966 8436 8448 8452
       Persimmon 29326 27091 16009 9850 10085
       Peach 25037 25735 18071 11964 12136
       Plum 35066 33593 27079 25855 26243
       Pear 20921 22956 18141 13907 13973
    葡萄   Grape 2615 4993 5659 10523 10780
    杨梅   Red Bayberry 13808 15149 13799 10236 11423