11-1 农村基层组织和农业基础设施
Basic Rural Units and Agricultural Fundamental Facilities
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
Basic Rural Units
  乡(镇)政府(个) 942 934 929 922 907
    Township and Town Governments(unit)
    乡政府 365 341 334 263 252
        Township Governments
    镇政府 577 593 595 659 655
        Town Governments
  村民委员会(个) 14988 14630 14434 14280 14270
    Villagers’ Committees(unit)
Resource of Rural Labour
  乡村劳动力资源总数(万人) 1367.65 1490.55 1579.32 1641.03 1621.52
    Amount Resource of Rural Labour(10000 persons)
  乡村从业人员(万人) 1253.46 1320.51 1395.81 1407.96 1388.81
    Actual Employment in Rural(10000 persons)
        By Male
       674.32 712.20 752.57 758.74 748.34
       579.15 608.31 643.23 649.23 640.47
  #农林牧渔业从业人员 778.07 699.67 623.73 570.99 558.90
        Employment of Agriculture, Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
Use of Motorized Cultivation
  机耕地面积(千公顷) 405.49 421.85 908.68 951.11 983.45
    Cultivated Areas by Tractors(1000 hectare)
  机械播种面积(千公顷) 1.95 0.75 25.77 258.33 287.54
    Sown Area by Machinery(1000 hectare)
  机械收获面积(千公顷) 18.48 64.25 222.74 601.47 625.72
    Cut Area by Machinery(1000 hectare)
Consumption of Chemical Fertilizer(10000 tons)
  按折纯量计算 123.33 122.02 121.04 100.81 96.63
    By Pure
    氮肥 55.66 51.29 47.74 36.80 34.62
        Nitrogenous Fertilizer
    磷肥 16.83 16.48 17.06 14.11 13.51
        Phosphate Fertilizer
    钾肥 23.78 24.41 24.67 19.66 18.89
        Potash Fertilizer
    复合肥 27.07 29.84 31.56 30.23 29.61
        Compound Fertilizer
农用塑料薄膜使用量(万吨) 2.12 3.60 5.71 5.18 4.63
Consumption of Agricultural Plastic Film(10000 tons)
#地膜使用量 0.98 1.65 2.66 2.55 2.50
    Consumption of Agricultural Plastic Film
农用柴油使用量(万吨) 47.95 74.19 83.17 78.35 78.04
Consumption of Agricultural Diesel(10000 tons)