
地方一般公共预算收入  属于地方财政的收入包括营业税,地方企业所得税,个人所得税,城镇土地使用税,固定资产投资方向调节税,城镇维护建设税,房产税,车船使用税,印花税,屠宰税,牧业税,耕地占用税,契税,增值税25%部分,证券交易税(印花税)50%部分和除海洋石油资源税以外的其他资源税。

一般公共预算支出  包括地方行政管理和各项事业费,地方统筹的基本建设、技术改造支出,支援农村生产支出,城市维护和建设经费,价格补贴支出等。

信贷资金  指金融机构以信用方式积聚和分配的货币资金。金融机构信贷资金的来源有各项存款、对国际金融机构负债、流通中货币、银行自有资金及当年结益等;信贷资金的运用有各项贷款、黄金占款、外汇占款、财政借款及在国际金融机构中的资产等。

存款  指企业、机关、团体或居民根据资金必须收回的原则,把货币资金存入银行或其他信用机构保管并取得一定利息的一种信用活动形式。根据存款对象的不同可划分为企业存款、财政存款、机关团体存款、基本建设存款、城镇储蓄存款、农村存款等科目。它是银行信贷资金的主要来源。

贷款  指银行或其他信用机构根据资金必须归还的原则,按一定利率,为企业、个人等提供资金的一种信用活动形式。我国银行贷款分为流动资金贷款、固定资产贷款、城乡个体工商户贷款以及农业贷款等科目。

保费  指投保人为取得保险人在约定范围内所承担赔偿责任而支付给保险人的费用。

赔款  指保险人根据保险合同的规定,向被保险人支付的赔偿保险责任损失的金额。

给付  包括死伤医疗给付和满期给付。死伤医疗给付是指保险人根据人寿保险及长期健康保险合同的规定,因被保险人在保险期内发生保险责任范围内的保险事故支付给被保险人(或受益人)的金额。满期给付是指被保险人生存期满,保险人按人寿保险合同规定支付给被保险人的满期保险金额。

城镇职工基本养老保险  参保职工人数指报告期末参加城镇职工基本养老保险并在社保经办机构已建立缴费记录档案的职工人数,包括中断缴费但未终止养老保险关系的职工人数,不包括只登记未建立缴费记录档案的人数。


城乡居民基本养老保险  参加城乡居民基本养老保险人数:指报告期末,参加城乡居民养老保险(在经办机构参保登记并已建立缴费记录以及制度实施当年已经年满60周岁并在经办机构参保登记)的人数(不包括已经办理注销登记手续的人数)

基本医疗保险  参加基本医疗保险人数:指报告期末参加职工基本医疗保险和城乡居民基本医疗保险人员的合计

失业保险  参加失业保险人数: 指报告期末按照国家法律、法规和有关政策规定参加了失业保险的城镇企业事业单位的职工及地方政府规定参加失业保险的其他人员的人数。




Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Revenue of the Local Governments  The revenue of the local governments includes business tax, income tax of the enterprises subordinate to the local government, personal income tax, tax on the use of urban land, tax on the adjustment of the investment in fixed assets, tax on town maintenance and construction, tax on real estates, tax on the use of vehicles and ships, stamp tax, slaughter tax, tax on animal husbandry, tax on the occupancy of cultivated land, contract tax, 25% of the value added tax, 50% of the tax on stock dealing (stamp tax) and tax on resources other than the ocean petroleum resources.

Expenditure of the Local Governments  The expenditure of the local governments includes mainly the administrative expenses and various operating expenses at the vel of local governments, the expenditure for capital construction and technological innovation with the funds raised by the local government, expenditure for supporting rural production, expenditure for city maintenance and construction and expenditure for price subsidies, etc.

 Credit Funds  refer to the funds issued as loans by banking institutions. The sources of credit funds of the banking institutions included deposits, liabilities to international financial institutions, currency in circulation, self-owned funds and current retained profits, etc. The credit funds can be used in forms of loans, gold, foreign exchange, government debt and assets in the international financial institutions.

Deposit  is a form of credit by which enterprises, institutions, organizations or households can put money into banks and other credit institutions for safekeeping and interest earning under the principle of free withdrawal. According to different depositors, deposits are divided into enterprise deposits,treasury deposits, deposits of government agencies and organizations,capital construction deposits, urban savings deposits, rural deposits and other deposits. Deposits are major sources of the credit funds of banks.

Loan  is a form of credit by which banks and other credit institutions provide funds at certain interest rate to enterprises and individuals in the light of the principle of unconditional repayment. Loans from Chinese banks include circulating capital loans, fixed assets loans, loans to urban and rural individuals engaged in industrial and commercial business and agricultural loans.

Premium  is the fee paid by the insurant to the insurer to obtain the obligation of compensation from the insurance within the agreed terms.

Settled Claim  is the compensation paid by the insurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract.

Payment  includes payment for death, injury or medical treatment and mature payment. Payment for death, injury or medical treatment refers to the money paid to the insurant (or the beneficiary) in accordance with the life or health insurance contract when the insurant encounters accidents within the insured period covered in the contract. Mature payment refers to the mature payment to the insurant in accordance with the life insurance contract at the end of the insured period.

Basic Endowment Insurance for Urban Employees  Number of insured employees: refers to the number of employees participating in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees and having established payment record files in the social security agency at the end of the reporting period, including the number of employees who have interrupted payment but not terminated the endowment insurance relationship, excluding the number of employees who have only registered but not established payment record files.

Number of retirees: refers to the number of retirees participating in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees at the end of the reporting period.

Basic Endowment Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents  Number of people participating in the basic endowment insurance for urban and rural residents: refers to the number of people participating in the endowment insurance for urban and rural residents at the end of the reporting period (who have been registered in the insurance agency and have established payment records and who have reached the age of 60 and registered in the insurance agency in the year when the system was implemented) (excluding the number of people who have gone through the cancellation of registration procedures).

Basic Medical Insurance  Number of people participating in basic medical insurance: refers to the total number of people participating in basic medical insurance for employees and basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents at the end of the reporting period.

Unemployment Insurance  Number of people participated in unemployment insurance program: number of staff and workers in urban enterprises or institutions and other people according to local government regulations participated in unemployment insurance program in line with national law, regulations and related policies by the end of the reference period.