
供水综合生产能力  指按供水设施取水、净化、送水、出厂输水干管等环节设计能力计算的综合生产能力。包括在原设计能力的基础上,经挖、革、改增加的生产能力。计算时,以四个环节中最薄弱的环节为主确定能力。

年末供水管道长度  指从送水泵到用户水表之间所有管道的长度。但不包括新安装未使用的管道长度。

全年供水总量  指报告期供水企业(单位)供出的全部水量。包括有效供水量和漏损水量。

生活用水量  包括公共服务用水和居民家庭用水。公共服务用水指为城市社会公共生活服务的用水。包括行政事业单位、部队营区和公共设施服务、社会服务业、批发零售贸易业、旅馆饮食业以及其他公共服务业等单位的用水。居民家庭用水指城市范围内所有居民家庭的日常生活用水。包括城市居民、农民家庭、公共供水站用水。

城市人口用水普及率  指城市用水的非农业人口数(不包括临时人口和流动人口)与城市非农业人口总数之比。计算公式为:


人工煤气生产能力  指城市煤气厂制气、净化、输送等环节的综合实际生产能力。

供气管道长度  指报告期末从气源厂压缩机的出口或门站出口至各类用户引入管之间的全部已经通气投入使用的管道长度。不包括煤气生产厂、输配站、液化气储存站、灌瓶站、储配站、气化站、混气站、供应站等厂()内的管道。

全年供气总量  指全年燃气企业(单位)向用户供应的燃气数量。包括销售量和损失量。

城市用气普及率  指使用煤气(包括人工煤气、液化石油气、天然气)的城市非农业人口数(不包括临时人口和流动人口)与城市非农业人口总数之比。计算公式为:


年底实有铺装道路长度  指除土路外,路面经过铺装宽度在3.5米以上的道路,包括高级、次高级道路和普通道路。

城市桥梁  指城市范围内,修建在河道上的桥梁和道路与道路立交、道路跨越铁路的立交桥及人行天桥。包括永久性桥和半永久性桥,不包括临时性桥、铁路桥、涵洞。

城市下水道总长度 指所有排水总管、干管、支管及暗渠、检查井、连接井进出水口等长度之和。

城市污水日处理能力  指污水处理厂每昼夜处理污水量的设计能力。

年末实有公共汽(电)车  指年底可参加营运的全部车辆数,包括营运车辆数和库存查封未参加营运的车辆。不包括非营运车辆,如架线车、油罐车、工程车、货车及其他专用车辆和借入的客运车辆。

城市园林绿地面积  指城市公共绿地、专用绿地、生产绿地、防护绿地、郊区风景名胜区的全部面积。

公共绿地  指供游览休息的各种公园、动物园、植物园、陵园以及花园、游园和供游览休息用的林荫道绿地、广场绿地,不包括一般栽植的行道树及林荫道的面积。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Production Capacity of Water Supply  refers to the designed comprehensive production capacity of water facilities, covering the 4 links of water collection, purification, conveyance, and outflow through trunk pipelines. Increase capacity through transformation and innovation projects are included as well. The capacity is determined mainly on the weakest of the above-mentioned 4 links.

Length of Water Supply Pipelines at the Year-end  refers to the total length of all the pipelines between the water pumps and the user water meters, excluding pipelines newly installed but not used yet.

Annual Volume of Water Supply  refers to the total volume of water supplied by water-works (units) during the reference period, including both the effective water supply and loss during the water supply.

Consumption of Water for Residential Use  refers to the water consumption of households for daily life and the water consumption of public service facilities. The latter refers to water consumption for urban public services, including the consumption of government agencies and public institutions, military barracks, public facilities, wholesale and retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, and other units providing public services. Household water consumption refers to consumption of water for daily life of all households in the boundary of cities, including households of urban residents and farmers, and public water supply stations.

Percentage of Urban Population with Access to Tap Water  refers to the ratio of the urban non-agricultural population (excluing temporary and mobile population) with access to tap water to the total urban non-agricultural population.The formula is:

Percentage of Population with Access to Tap Water  Urban Non-agricultural Population with Access to Tap Water /Urban Non-agricultural Population×100%

Production Capacity of Gasworks Gas  refers to the actual comprehensive production capacity of the urban gasworks in gas generation, purification and delivery.

Length of Gas Pipelines  refers to the total length of pipelines between the outlet of the compressor, blower or gas tank and the gas meters of users. excluding pipelines within gasworks, delivery stations, LPG storage stations, refilling stations, gas-mixing stations and supply stations.

Volume of Gas Supply  refers to the total volume of gas sold to users in a year, including the volume sold and the volume lost.

Percentage of Urban Population with Access to Gas  refers to the ratio of the urban non-agricultural population with access to gas (including gas, liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas) to the urban non-agricultural population(excluding temporary and mobile population). The formula is:

Percentage of Population with Access to Gas =(Urban Non-agricultural Population with Access to Gas/Urban Non-agricultural Population)×100%

Length of Paved Roads at the Year-end  refers to the length of roads with a paved surface, and with a width of more than 3-5 meters, including high quality,medium quality and ordinary roads.

Urban Bridges  refer to bridges over river courses, great separated junctions and overpasses in urban areas.Permanent bridges and semi-permanent bridges are included.Temporary bridges,railway bridges and culverts are excluded.

Length of Urban Sewage Pipes  refers to the total length of general drainage, trunks. branch and blind drainage, inspection wells, connection wells, inlets and outlets, etc.

Daily Disposal Capacity of Urban Sewage  refers to the designed 24 hour capacity of sewage disposal at the sewage treatment works.

Number of Public Vehicles (Buses and Trolley buses) at the Year-end  refers to the total number of operational buses available at the year-end, including the year-end operational vehicles and vehicles in stock.Non-operational vehicles such as stringing cars,tank cars,machine shop cars,trucks and other special vehicles and the borrowed passenger vehicles are excluded.

Area of Urban Gardens and Green Areas  refers to the total area of urban public green land,special green land,production green land,protection green land and suburban scenic spots.

Public Green Area  refers to green areas of various parks, zoos, botanical gardens, cemeteries, amusement parks, tree-flanked boulevards greenland squares for tourism and relaxing.Areas with trees planted along-side the streets and boulevards are excluded.