
居民消费价格指数  是反映一定时期内城乡居民所购买的生活消费品和服务项目价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。

商品零售价格指数  是反映一定时期内城乡商品零售价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。

农业生产资料价格指数  是反映一定时期内农业生产资料价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。

农产品生产者价格指数  是反映一定时期内,农产品生产者出售农产品价格水平变动趋势及幅度的相对数。该指数可以客观反映全国农产品生产价格水平和结构变动情况,满足农业与国民经济核算需要。其中某代表品生产价格指数是通过对全部有出售该产品行为的调查单位的个体指数进行几何平均求得的,类价格指数是通过对其所属的类(或代表品)的价格指数进行加权平均求得的。季度累计价格指数的计算方法与分季指数的计算方法相同。

工业生产者出厂价格指数  是反映一定时期内全部工业产品第一次出售时的出厂价格总水平的变动趋势和变动幅度的相对数。

工业生产者购进价格指数  是反映作为中间投入的原材料、燃料、动力购进价格总水平的变动趋势和变动幅度的相对数。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Consumer Price Indices  are relative figures reflecting the trend and degree of changes in prices of consumer goods and services purchased by urban and rural households during a given period.

Retail Price Indices  are relative figures reflecting the trend and degree of changes in retail prices of commodities during a given period.

Price Indices for Means of Agricultural Production  are relative figures reflecting the trend and degree of changes in the prices of the means of agricultural production during a given period.

Producer Prices Indices for Farm Products  are relative figures reflecting the trend and degree of changes in producersprices received by farmers when they sell farm products during a given period. These indices depict the change in the level and structure of producer prices for farm products of the country and meet the needs of agricultural statistics and national accounts statistics. The producer price index for a given product is calculated as the geometrical mean of individual indices for all surveyed units which sell such products, and the indices for a product category is obtained as the weighted mean of price indices for all products in the category. Method for calculating accumulative quarterly indices is the same as for calculating the distinctive quarterly indices.

Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products  are relative figures reflecting the trend and degree of changes in general ex-factory prices of all manufactured goods for first sale during a given period.

Purchasing Price Indices for Industrial Producers  are relative figures reflecting changes in the level and degree of purchasing prices such as intermediate input such as raw materials, fuels and power.