
 居民可支配收入  指居民可用于最终消费支出和储蓄的总和,即居民可用于自由支配的收入。既包括现金收入,也包括实物收入。按照收入的来源,可支配收入包含四项,分别为:工资性收入、经营净收入、财产净收入和转移净收入。

工资性收入  指就业人员通过各种途径得到的全部劳动报酬和各种福利,包括受雇于单位或个人、从事各种自由职业、兼职和零星劳动得到的全部劳动报酬和福利。

经营净收入  指住户或住户成员从事生产经营活动所获得的净收入,是全部经营收入中扣除经营费用、生产性固定资产折旧和生产税之后得到的净收入。计算公式为:


财产净收入  指住户或住户成员将其所拥有的金融资产、住房等非金融资产和自然资源交由其他机构单位、住户或个人支配而获得的回报并扣除相关的费用之后得到的净收入。财产净收入包括利息净收入、红利收入、储蓄性保险净收益、转让承包土地经营权租金净收入、出租房屋净收入、出租其他资产净收入和自有住房折算净租金等。财产净收入不包括转让资产所有权的溢价所得。

转移净收入  计算公式为:转移净收入=转移性收入-转移性支出

转移性收入  指国家、单位、社会团体对住户的各种经常性转移支付和住户之间的经常性收入转移。包括养老金或退休金、社会救济和补助、政策性生产补贴、政策性生活补贴、经常性捐赠和赔偿、报销医疗费、住户之间的赡养收入,本住户非常住成员寄回带回的收入等。转移性收入不包括住户之间的实物馈赠。

转移性支出  指调查户对国家、单位、住户或个人的经常性或义务性转移支付。包括缴纳的税款、各项社会保障支出、赡养支出、经常性捐赠和赔偿支出以及其他经常转移支出等。

居民消费支出  指居民用于满足家庭日常生活消费需要的全部支出,既包括现金消费支出,也包括实物消费支出。消费支出可划分为食品烟酒、衣着、居住、生活用品及服务、交通通信、教育文化娱乐、医疗保健以及其他用品及服务八大类。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Disposable Income of Residents  refers to the income of residents for purpose of final expenditure and savings. It includes income both in cash and in kind. By sources of income, disposable income includes four categories: income from wages and salaries, net business income, net income from properties and net income from transfer.

Income from Wages and Salaries  refers to remuneration and benefits of all kinds of employed persons, including those employed by other units or individuals, freelance workers, part-time jobs, and sporadic workers.

Net Business Income  refers to net income earned by households and their members engaged in production and business activities. It refers to the net income of operating revenue minus operating costs, depreciation of productive fixed assets, and production tax. The formula is:

Net business income = operating revenue-operating costs -depreciation of productive fixed assets-production tax

Net Income from Properties  refers to the net income received as returns by households or members through lending of their financial assets, non-financial assets such as housing, to other institutions, households or individuals, minus relevant costs. Net income from properties includes net income of interest, bonus income, net income of saving insurance, net income from transferring management right of contract land, income from lending of housing, income from lending other assets, net converted rents of self-owned housing. Net income from properties do not include premium of transferring ownership of assets.

Net Income from Transfer  The formula is:

Net income from transfer = income from transfer - expenditure from transfer

Income from Transfer  refers to the regular transfer received from governments, institutions, social organizations to households and between households. It includes old-age and retirement pension, regular donation and compensation, reimbursement of medical fees, supporting income between households, income from non-resident members of households, etc. Income from transfer do not include gifts in kinds between households.

Expenditure from Transfer  refers to regular or obligatory transfer paid to government, institutions, households or individuals. It includes tax payment, expenditure on all kinds of social security, supporting expenditure, regular donation, compensation payment and other regular transfer expenditure.

Consumption Expenditure of Residents refers to all expenditure of residents for living expenditure to satisfy family daily living. It includes expenditure in cash and in kind. It includes eight categories: food, tobacco and liquor; clothing and footwear; housing; household equipments, furnishings and services; transport and communications; education, culture and recreation; health care and medical services, and miscellaneous goods and services.

According to Household Survey on Income and Expenditure and Living Conditions, main changes of population coverage of per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents includes: migrant workers residing in urban areas are included in the denominator when calculating per capita disposable income of urban residents, and not included in denominator when calculating per capita disposable income of rural residents; students studying in universities or colleges in other places who are supported by the households are regarded as permanent residents of the households.