7-12 农村居民人均生活消费支出
Per Capita Expenditure of Rural Households
单位:元 (yuan)
项目 Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
  生活消费支出 Total Consumption Expenditures 12911 14003 14943 16281 16339 19290
    食品烟酒 Food,Cigarettes and Drinks 4818 5162 5340 5784 6274 6765
    衣着 Clothing 567 631 677 774 755 918
    居住 Residence 3204 3548 3649 3799 3943 4894
    生活用品及服务 Supplies and Services 688 721 765 809 874 939
    交通通信 Transport and  Communication 1452 1555 1817 1903 1688 2232
    教育文化娱乐 Education,Culture and Recreation 1071 1175 1359 1615 1232 1662
    医疗保健 Health Care and Medical Services 867 907 1016 1210 1271 1484
    其他用品及服务 Other Appliances and Services 243 305 320 386 302 397