7-5 城镇居民人均生活消费支出
Per Capita Expenditure of Urban Households
单位:元 (yuan)
项目 Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
  生活消费支出 Total Consumption Expenditures 25006 25980 28145 30946 30487 33942
    食品烟酒 Food,Cigarettes and Drinks 8300 8552 9001 9537 9673 10612
    衣着 Clothing 1444 1438 1554 1659 1443 1741
    居住 Residence 6531 6829 7716 8955 9356 10349
    生活用品及服务 Supplies and Services 1393 1478 1516 1557 1519 1794
    交通通信 Transport and  Communication 3206 3353 3631 3715 3755 3656
    教育文化娱乐 Education,Culture and Recreation 2461 2483 2728 3066 2301 3120
    医疗保健 Health Care and Medical Services 1178 1235 1375 1692 1774 1939
    其他用品及服务 Other Appliances and Services 493 612 625 765 665 731