
一次能源生产总量  指一定时期内本地区一次能源生产量的总和。包括原煤、原油、天然气、水电、核电及其他动力能(如风能、地热能等)发电量等。

能源消费总量  指一定地域(行政或地理区域)内,国民经济各行业和居民家庭在一定时期消费的各种能源的总和。能源消费总量在消费环节上包括终端能源消费量、能源加工转换损失量、能源运输和管理过程的损失量;在能源类别上包括全部化石能源,以及作为能源使用、作为商品流通并使用的可再生能源和新能源。




能源生产弹性系数  指研究能源生产增长速度与国民经济增长速度之间关系的指标。计算公式为:



电力生产弹性系数  指研究电力生产增长速度与国民经济增长速度之间关系的指标。计算公式为:


能源消费弹性系数  指反映能源消费增长速度与国民经济增长速度之间比例关系的指标。计算公式为:


电力消费弹性系数  指反映电力消费增长速度与国民经济增长速度之间比例关系的指标。计算公式为:


能源加工转换效率  指一定时期内能源经过加工、转换后,产出的各种能源产品的数量与同期内投入加工转换的各种能源数量的比率。它是观察能源加工转换装置和生产工艺先进与落后、管理水平高低等的重要指标。计算公式为:


单位地区生产总值能耗  指一定时期内,一个国家或地区每生产一个单位的地区生产总值所消耗的能源。计算公式为:


单位工业增加值能耗  指一定时期内,一个国家或地区每生产一个单位的工业增加值所消耗的能源。计算公式为:


单位地区生产总值电耗  指一定时期内,一个国家或地区每生产一个单位的地区生产总值所消耗的电力。计算公式为:



Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Total Primary Energy Production  refers to the total production of disposable energy by all energy producing enterprises in the region in a given period of time. The production of primary energy includes that of coal, crude oil, natural gas, hydropower and electricity generated by nuclear energy and other means such as wind power and geothermal power..

Total Domestic Energy Consumption  refers to the total consumption of energy of various kinds by material production sectors, non material production sectors and households in the region in a given period of time. It is a comprehensive indicator to show the scale, composition and development of energy consumption. The total energy consumption includes that of coal, crude oil and their products, natural gas and electricity. However it excludes the consumption of fuel of low calorific value, bio-energy and solar energy. Total domestic energy consumption can be divided into three parts:

(1) Final Energy Consumption: It refers to the total energy consumption by material production sectors, non material production sectors and households in the region (region) in a given period of time, but excludes the consumption in conversion of the primary energy into the secondary energy and the loss in the process of energy conversion.

(2) Loss During the Process of Energy Conversion: It refers to the total input of various kinds of energy for conversion, minus the total output of various kinds of energy in the region in a given period of time. It is an indicator to show the loss that occurs during the process of energy conversion.

(3) Energy Loss: It refers to the total of the loss of energy during the course of energy transport, distribution and storage and the loss caused by any objective reason in a given period of time. The loss of various kinds of gas due to gas discharges and stocktaking is excluded.

Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production  is an indicator to show the relationship between the growth rate of energy production and the growth rate of the national economy. The formula is:

Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production= Annual Growth Rate of Energy Production/ Annual Growth Rate of National Economy

The annual growth rate of the national economy can be shown by the gross national product, gross domestic product and other indicators, depending upon the purposes or needs. The gross domestic product is used in calculation of the ratio in this chapter.

Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Production  is an indicator to show the relationship between the growth rate of electricity production and the growth rate of the national economy. Generally speaking, the growth rate of electricity production should be higher than that of the national economy.The formula is:

Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Production= Annual Growth Rate of Electricity Production/ Annual Growth Rate of National Economy

Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption  is an indicator to show the relationship between the growth rate of energy consumption and the growth rate of the national economy. The formula is:

Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption= Annual Growth Rate of Energy Consumption/ Annual Growth Rate of National Economy

Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Consumption  is an indicator to show the relationship between the growth rate of electricity consumption and the growth rate of the national economy. The formula is:

Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Consumption= Annual Growth Rate of Electricity/ Annual Growth Rate of National Economy

Efficiency of Energy Processing and Conversion  refers to the ratio of the total output of energy products of various kinds after processing and conversion and the total input of energy of various kinds for processing and conversion in the same reference period. It is an important indicator to show the current conditions of energy processing and conversion equipment, production technique and management. The formula is:

Efficiency of Energy Processing & Conversion=(Output of Energy After Processing & Conversion/Input of Energy for Processing & Conversion)×100%

Energy Consumption per Unit of GDP  refers to the energy consumption per unit of gross domestic production in a country or the gross region production in the same reference period. The formula is:

Energy Consumption per Unit of GDP=Total Energy Consumption/Gross Domestic Production

Electricity Consumption per Unit of Industrial Value-added  refers to the energy consumption per unit of industrial value-added in a country or region in the same reference period. The formula is:

Energy Consumption per Unit of Industrial Value-added=Total Energy Consumption/Industrial Value-added

Electricity Consumption per Unit of GDP  refers to the electricity consumption per unit of gross domestic production in a country or the gross region production in the same reference period. The formula is:

Electricity Consumption per Unit of GDP=Total Electricity Consumption/Gross Domestic Production