6-10 规模以上工业企业能源购进、消费及库存(2021年)
Purchases, Consumption and Inventory of Energy in Industrial Enterprises
above Designated Size(2021)
项目 年初库存 购进量 工业生产消费量 年末库存
Item Inventory at the
beginning of the Year
Purchases Consumption Inventory at the Year-end
  原煤(万吨) 390.95 9925.78 9791.13 480.83
    Coal(10000 tons)
  洗精煤(万吨) 16.40 178.74 182.27 12.87
    Concentrate Coal Washing(10000 tons)
  其他洗煤(万吨) 0.63 2.80 2.45 0.97
    Other Coal Washing(10000 tons)
  煤制品(万吨) 0.26 12.76 12.72 0.10
    Coal Products(10000 tons)
  焦炭(万吨) 45.51 799.78 840.13 38.60
    Coke(10000 tons)
  焦炉煤气(亿立方米) 1.74 3.62
    Coking Gas(100 million cu.m)
  高炉煤气(亿立方米) 12.93 231.01
    Furnace Gas(100 million cu.m)
  其他煤气(亿立方米) 2.58 24.21
    Other Gas(100 million cu.m)
  天然气(亿立方米) 0.01 54.89 51.12 0.02
    Natural Gas(100 million cu.m)
  液化天然气(万吨) 17.27 362.85 10.81 39.32
    Liquefied Natural Gas(10000 tons)
  氢气(吨) 9.69 8.92
    Hydrogen(10000 tons)
  原油(万吨) 119.49 2840.05 2839.74 119.80
    Crude Oil(10000 tons)
  汽油(万吨) 0.04 5.53 5.09 0.05
    Gasoline(10000 tons)
  煤油(万吨) 0.02 0.34 0.24 0.10
    Kerosene(10000 tons)
  柴油(万吨) 1.05 25.12 26.24 1.02
    Diesel Oil(10000 tons)
  燃料油(万吨) 5.39 21.45 50.00 4.87
    Fuel Oil(10000 tons)
  液化石油气(万吨) 0.18 76.28 87.62 3.7642
    Liquefied Petroleum Gas(10000 tons)
  其他石油制品(万吨) 45.94 149.02 624.68 56.51
    Other(10000 tons)
  热力(万吉焦) 9902.38 17551.03
    Heat(10000 joule)
  电力(亿千瓦小时) 1206.23 1510.72
    Electricity(100 million kwh)
  其他燃料(万吨标准煤) 3.12 342.82 353.04 3.00
    Other(10000 tons of SCE)
Note:Industrial enterprises above designated size are those with annual revenue from principal business over 20 million yuan.