6-4 电力平衡表
Electricity Balance Sheet
单位:亿千瓦小时 (100 million kwh)
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  可供量 403.01 756.59 1315.08 2483.00 2836.67
    Total Available Energy
    生产量 405.21 778.25 1356.32 2636.49 2931.21
      火电 208.45 486.88 890.61 1550.52 1702.83
            Thermal Power
      水电、风电、核电、其他发电 196.76 291.37 465.71 1085.97 1228.38
            Hydro-power, Wind-Power, Nuclear-Power and Others
    本省调出量(-) 2.20 26.64 42.95 154.98 100.69
        Take-out Quantity from Native Province(-)
    省外调入量 4.98 1.71 1.50 6.15
        Take-in Quantity from Outside of the Province
  消费量 403.02 756.59 1315.08 2483.00 2836.67
        Consumption by Sector
  1.农、林、牧、渔业、水利业 15.91 8.78 13.35 42.62 45.20
    Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry, and Fishery
  2.工业 273.77 537.90 892.81 1527.85 1782.07
  3.建筑业 6.06 6.59 20.73 38.26 37.58
  4.交通运输.仓储和邮政业 8.78 11.44 17.43 42.80 48.31
    Transport, Storage and Post
  5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 11.83 23.20 48.29 131.54 158.66
    Wholesale and Retail Trades, Hotels and Catering Services
  6.其他行业 21.46 46.71 83.59 196.46 234.06
  7.生活消费 65.21 121.97 238.88 503.47 530.79
    Household Consumption
        Consumption by Use
  1.终端消费 372.67 699.43 1233.09 2399.16 2742.06
    End-use Consumption 
   #工业 243.42 480.74 810.82 1444.01 1687.46
  2.输配电损失量 30.35 57.16 81.99 83.84 94.61
    Losses in Transmission
  平衡差额 -0.01 -0.35
Note:The data in this table is provided by Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd.