6-3 综合能源平衡表
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
单位:万吨标准煤 (10000 tons of SCE)
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  可供消费的能源总量 2962.28 5752.29 9189.40 13905.19 15157.50
    Total Energy Available for Consumption
    一次能源生产量 1654.17 2488.47 3260.42 3997.99 4261.23
        Primary Energy Output
    省外调入量 1531.68 3638.98 6726.75 12895.92 14362.10
        Take-in Quantity from Outside of the Province
    本省调出量(-) 246.59 323.32 786.26 2953.39 3367.73
        Take-out Quantity from Native Province(-)
    年末年初库存差额 23.04 -51.84 -11.51 -35.33 -98.10
        Stock Changes in The Year
  能源消费总量 2942.60 5753.99 9189.42 13905.19 15157.51
    Total Energy Consumption
        Consumption by Sector
    1.农、林、牧、渔、水利业 99.36 107.14 179.41 254.22 259.44
           Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,Fishery
           and Water Conservancy
    2.工业 1923.19 4030.36 6487.70 9206.69 10085.83
    3.建筑业 30.07 72.48 190.23 319.84 321.24
    4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业 223.94 469.40 753.38 1275.43 1354.96
           Transport,Storage,Post And Telecommunication Services
    5.批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业 63.80 148.85 228.58 418.87 490.54
           Wholesale and Retail Trades,Hotels and Catering Services
    6.其他行业 214.72 286.71 334.50 630.29 728.85
           Others Sectors
    7.生活消费 387.52 639.05 1015.62 1799.85 1916.65
           Residential Consumption
            Consumption by Sector
    1.终端消费 2833.43 5545.55 9064.35 13795.06 14985.40
           Final Consumption
     #工业 1814.00 3821.92 6417.98 9096.57 9913.72
    2.加工转换损失量 -7.97 -20.17 126.87 138.31 103.25
           Losses in Processing And Transformation
     #炼焦 -0.08 -2.45 -14.61 -16.42 -15.27
       炼油 -7.55 -16.88 -64.12 -185.94 -255.95
              Petroleum Refining
       回收能 202.62 236.55 469.63 496.25
              Recovery of Energy
    3.损失量 101.20 188.27 251.94 248.43 275.35
          Other Losses
   平衡差额 19.67 -1.70 -0.02 -0.02
注: 1.电力、热力按等价热值折算。
     2.省外调入量包括进口量, 本省调出量包括出口量。
Note:a)Electric Power and Heat are  calculated by Caloric Value of Equal Price.
         b)The transfer in volume outside the province includes the import volume, and the transfer out volume of the province includes the export volume.