5-15 外商投资企业工商注册资本金
Registered Capitals of Foreign Funded Enterprises
单位:万美元 (USD 10000)
项目  Item 2015 2019 2020 2021
  总计 11090110  17655891  19902256  21921577 
        Grouped by Sector
      农、林、牧、渔业 238271  350585  355570  364962 
            Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandryand Fishery
      采矿业 22900  24270  11349  12001 
      制造业 5907219  6770426  6935832  6932423 
      电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 244888  265232  266047  251617 
            Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat,
            Gas and Water
      建筑业 103441  266790  290831  392967 
      批发和零售业 861339  1335161  1434256  1770858 
            Wholesale and Retail Trade
      交通运输、仓储和邮政业 374779  435148  483093  434059 
            Transport,Storage and Post
      住宿和餐饮业 149615  318301  370821  349605 
            Lodgings and Catering Services
      信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 221456  445483  501028  653543 
            Information Transmission, Software and
            Information Technical Services
      金融业 352692  468733  484634  546323 
            Financial Intermediation
      房地产业 1204345  1564289  1678443  1606679 
            Real Estate
      租赁和商务服务业 806390  3442412  3729385  4723222 
            Leasing and Business Services
      科学研究和技术服务业 214465  1301987  2652586  3130165 
            Scientific Research and Technical Services
      水利、环境和公共设施管理业 72330  133079  114802  116892 
            Management of Water Conservancy,Environment
            and Public Facilities
      居民服务、修理和其他服务业 64785  194926  223415  231217 
            Service to Households, Repair and Other Services
      教育 617  23784  23068  22525 
      卫生和社会工作 11527  172391  122532  139520 
            Health and Social Service
      文化、体育和娱乐业 231930  140878  217441  235889 
            Culture, Sports and Entertainment
      其他行业 7119  2017  7124  7109 
        By Country(Region)
    #中国香港 6428139  10772879  12401585  13561640 
            Hong Kong China
      中国澳门 127430  163969  186889  209716 
            Macao China
      中国台湾 949004  2105367  2301376  2612437 
            TaiWan China
      日本 141422  184669  186667  191855 
      英国 137182  168300  169934  173895 
            United Kingdom
      德国 32791  48351  46468  48846 
      加拿大 41104  101379  101534  96278 
      美国 224771  223318  219381  223836 
            United States
      澳大利亚 109590  52428  58076  63356 