5-7 按类分进出口总额(2021年)
Value of Imports and Exports by Category(2021)
项目 出口总额
Item (10000 yuan) (USD 10000) (10000 yuan) (USD 10000)
  初级产品 8301876  1285217  45337644  7014470 
    Primary Goods
    食品及活动物 7226827  1118939  6499266  1005086 
        Food and Live Animals
      活动物 0  0  113  17 
            Live Animals
      肉及肉制品 83911  12998  383087  59237 
            Meat and Meat Products
      乳品及蛋品 11143  1725  926607  143289 
            Dairy Products and Eggs
      鱼、甲壳及软体类动物及其制品 4997268  773757  662191  102461 
            Fish, Shellfish, Mollusks and Other Aquatic Invertebrates
      谷物及其制品 37554  5820  2156127  333299 
            Cereals and Products
      蔬菜及水果 1170566  181220  312330  48265 
            Vegetable and Fruits
      糖、糖制品及蜂蜜 173169  26814  122851  18975 
            Sugar ,Sugar Products and Honey
      咖啡、茶、可可、调味料及其制品 439444  68035  74212  11491 
            Coffee, Tea, Coca, Spices and Their Products
      饲料 39845  6164  1558414  241221 
      杂项食品 273927  42405  303333  46831 
    饮料及烟类 77622  12001  239347  37030 
        Beverages and Tobacco
      饮料 58188  8993  238205  36853 
      烟草及其制品 19433  3008  1142  177 
            Tobacco and Tobacco Products
    非食用原料 848547  131317  25840552  3997571 
        Non-edible Raw Materials
      生皮及生毛皮 319  49  169085  26166 
            Raw Hides and Furs
      油籽及含油果实 3687  573  2118932  327775 
            Oil Seeds and Kernels
      生橡胶 16457  2548  262720  40636 
            Raw Rubber
      软木及木材 30982  4798  1639850  253651 
            Cork and Wood
      纸浆及废纸 12301  1902  879323  135952 
            Paper Pulp and  Waster Paper
      纺织纤维(羊毛条除外)及其废料 104847  16227  79457  12289 
            Textile Fiber and Related Scrap (Excluding Fleece)
      天然肥料及矿物(煤、石油及宝石除外) 94381  14595  1560023  241333 
            Natural Fertilizers and Mineral (Excluding Coal, Petroleum and Germ)
      金属矿砂及金属废料 391996  60653  19023611  2943111 
            Metals Ore and Scrap
      其他动、植物原料 193578  29971  107551  16657 
            Other Animal And Vegetable Raw Materials
    矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料 137585  21212  12026212  1861555 
        Mineral Fuels, Lubrication Oil and Related Materials
      煤、焦炭及煤砖 83348  12825  3952569  612153 
            Coal, Coke and Briquette
      石油、石油产品及有关原料 54238  8387  6993656  1082269 
            Petroleum, Petroleum Products and  Related Materials
      天然气及人造气 0  0  1079986  167133 
            Natural Gas and Man-made Gas
    动植物油、脂及蜡 11296  1748  732267  113228 
        Animal and Vegetable Oil ,Fats and Wax
      动物油、脂 4468  692  32291  4997 
            Animal Oil and Fats
      植物油、脂 2837  439  664242  102697 
            Vegetable Oils and Fats
      已加工的动植物油、脂及动植物蜡 3991  617  35733  5534 
            Processed Animal and Vegetable Oils,Fats and Wax
  工业制品 99818825  15448900  30871825  4776443 
    Industry Goods
    化学成品及有关产品 6489305  1003682  4582362  708345 
        Chemicals and Related  Products
      有机化学品 539431  83563  969511  150115 
            Organic Chemicals
      无机化学品 643472  99604  215842  33406 
            Inorganic Chemicals
      染料、鞣料及着色料 66950  10350  90883  14038 
            Dyestuff , Tanning Extracts and Dye Materials
      医药品 2246714  346826  24077  3726 
      精油、香料及盥洗、光洁制品 334227  51721  421141  64493 
            Essential Oils, Perfumed Materials and Cosmetics
      肥料 538562  83382  0  0 
      初级形状的塑料 677304  104804  1996382  308822 
            Plastics of Primary Pattern
      非初级形状的塑料 814452  126096  228640  35366 
            Plastics of non Primary Pattern
      未列名化学原料及产品 628193  97335  635886  98379 
            Other Chemical Raw and Products
    按原料分类的制成品 21263662  3290940  9472683  1465899 
        Products by Raw material
      皮革、皮革制品及已鞣毛皮 229015  35451  172798  26757 
            Leather, Leather Products and Tanned Hides
      橡胶制品 558829  86483  95109  14716 
            Rubber Products
      软木及木制品(家具除外) 1443281  223322  32897  5093 
            Cork and Wooden Products
      纸及纸板;纸浆、纸及纸板制品 863474  133681  539794  83458 
            Paper and Paperboard, Articles of Paper Pulp or
            Paper and Paperboard Products
      纺纱、织物、制成品及有关产品 6293704  973916  1005241  155459 
            Spin Textile Products and Related Products
      非金属矿物制品 3957706  612484  556664  86094 
            Non Metal Minerals products
      钢铁 2627078  406749  5122479  792868 
      有色金属 1337715  207093  1714178  265315 
            Non-ferrous Metal
      未列名金属制品 3952861  611760  233524  36140 
            Metal Products
    机械及运输设备 27443725  4248339  10633378  1645823 
        Machinery and Transport Equipments
      动力机械及设备 1378112  213215  723669  112294 
            Power Machinery and Equipments
      特种工业专用机械 1722192  266503  1938233  300025 
            Special Industry Equipment
      金工机械 164686  25481  120744  18663 
            Metal working  Machinery
      通用工业机械设备及零件 3714495  574790  763966  118163 
            Ordinary Industry Machinery and Parts
      办公用机械及自动数据处理设备 2247732  348070  1348711  208780 
            Clerical Machinery and Automatic Data
            Processing Equipments
      电信及声音的录制或重放装置及设备 5017386  776599  451368  69800 
            Telecommunications and Sound Record and Replay Equipment
      未列名电力机械、装置、器具及其电气零件 9920282  1535966  4639243  717995 
            Power Machinery and Parts
      陆路车辆(包括气垫式) 2608536  403956  445396  68777 
            Land Vehicles
      其他运输设备 670305  103758  202048  31327 
            Other Transportation Equipment
    杂项制品 42242916  6538113  3131895  484090 
        Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles
      活动房屋、卫生、水道、供热及照明装置 2358422  364998  13234  2050 
            Movable Room, Sanitary Equipment, Supply of Hot
            and Lighting Apparatus
      家具及其零件、褥垫及类似填充制品 4148876  642036  97081  15046 
            Furniture and Related Parts
      旅行用品、手提包及类似品 1720663  266372  11629  1719 
            Tour Goods, Handbags and Related Products
      服装及衣着附件 11688434  1809300  74272  11316 
            Garments and Related Parts
      鞋靴 8501787  1315827  68435  10518 
      专业、科学及控制用仪器和装置 2770269  428678  1968013  304385 
            Special, Scientific and Controlled Instruments
            and Equipment
      摄影器材、光学物品及钟表 1402891  217203  611603  94589 
            Photographic, Optical Instruments and Clocks
      未列名杂项制品 9651575  1493700  287629  44467 
            Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles
    未分类的商品及交易品 2379217  367826  3051507  472286 
        Unclassified Goods