5-3 按主要贸易方式分进出口商品贸易额(2021年)
Value of Imports and Exports by Main Trade Mode(2021)
项目 总计(万元) 总计(万美元)
Item Total(10000 yuan) Total(USD 10000)
  出口总额 108120702  16734118 
    Total Exports
  #一般贸易 79263728  12268160 
        General Trade
    来料加工贸易 568438  88011 
        Processing and Assembling with Customer's Materials
    进料加工贸易 14361513  2222754 
        Processing and Assembling with Import Materials
    保税监管场所进出境货物 3178917  492007 
        Import and Export Goods in Bonded Area
    海关特殊监管区域物流货物 4911326  760258 
        Goods in Customs Special Area
  进口总额 76209469  11790913 
    Total Imports
  #一般贸易 62240267  9627991 
        General Trade
    来料加工装配贸易 359413  55670 
        Processing And Assembling With  Customer’s Materials
    进料加工贸易 7927830  1227150 
        Processing And Assembling With Imports Materials
    加工贸易进口设备 1271  197 
        Processing Equipments
    外商投资企业作为投资进口的设备、物品 140996  21844 
        Foreign Funded Equipments
    保税监管场所进出境货物 3066820  474816 
        Import and Export Goods in Bonded Area
    海关特殊监管区域物流货物 2066034  320418 
        Goods in Customs Special Area
    海关特殊监管区域进口设备 17120  2650 
        Import Equipment in Customs Special Area