5-1 对外经济基本情况
Basic Statistics on Foreign Trade
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  海关货物进出口总额(亿元) 1756.87  4457.21  7363.88  14080.59  18433.02 
    Total Value of Imports and Exports in Customs(100 million yuan)
    出口总额 1068.55  2854.15  4839.73  8473.17  10812.07 
    进口总额 688.32  1603.06  2524.15  5607.43  7620.95 
    进出口差额 380.23  1251.09  2315.57  2865.74  3191.12 
  海关货物进出口总额(亿美元) 212.23  544.11  1087.80  2033.17  2852.50 
    Total Value of Imports and Exports  in Customs(USD 100 million)
    出口总额 129.08  348.42  714.93  1223.87  1673.41 
      初级产品 13.68  21.52  52.98  100.20  128.52 
            Primary Goods
      工业制品 115.41  326.90  661.95  1123.48  1544.89 
            Industry Goods
    进口总额 83.15  195.69  372.87  809.30  1179.09 
      初级产品 10.22  33.32  102.41  469.47  701.45 
            Primary Goods
      工业制品 72.93  162.37  270.45  339.82  477.64 
            Industry Goods
    进出口差额 45.93 152.73 342.06 414.57 494.32
    Foreign Investment Utilized
    新签合同数(个) 1463.00  1988  1139  2234  2742 
        Number of Projects for Contracted Foreign Direct Investment(unit)
    合同投资金额(亿美元) 43.14  59.57  73.76  133.51  166.99 
        Total Amount of Contracted Foreign Investment(USD 100 million)
    实际利用外资(亿美元) 38.04  26.08  58.03  50.23  49.05 
        Foreign Investment Actually Utilized(USD 100 million)
    Registration Status of Foreign  Funded Enterprises
    年末注册数(个) 16013  17854  17886  31637  32450 
        Number of Enterprises(unit)
    投资总额(亿美元) 470.84  753.31  1248.31  3152.55  3371.55 
        Total Investment(USD 100 million)
    注册资本(亿美元) 275.85  430.75  693.58  1990.23  2192.16 
        Registered Capital(USD 100 million)
    Contracted Projects(USD 100 million)
    合同金额 1.25  2.47  0.86  7.96  8.40 
        Contracted Value
    完成营业额 1.04  1.95  2.35  12.89  17.37 
        Value of Turnover Fulfilled
    Labor Services(USD 100 million)
    劳务人员合同工资总额 2.96  3.25  2.06  6.11  7.45 
        Contracted Pay
    劳务人员实际收入总额 3.45  3.10  2.32  8.63  9.63 
        Value of Real Income
Note:a) Before 2012,the Contract Pay is Contracted Value,the Real Income is Value of Turnover Fulfilled.
        b) Before 2013,Number of Foreign Funded Enterprise Registrations,Total Amount of Investment and Registered Capital Exclude other  Foreign Funded Enterprises and Branches.