
固定资产投资  指城镇和农村各种登记注册类型的企业、事业、行政单位及城镇个体户进行的计划总投资500万元及500万元以上的建设项目投资和房地产开发投资,该口径自2011年起开始使用。

房地产开发投资  指各种登记注册类型的房地产开发公司、商品房建设公司及其他房地产开发法人单位和附属于其他法人单位实际从事房地产开发或经营活动的单位统一开发的包括统代建、拆迁还建的住宅、厂房、仓库、饭店、宾馆、度假村、写字楼、办公楼等房屋建筑物和配套的服务设施,土地开发工程(如道路、给水、排水、供电、供热、通讯、平整场地等基础设施工程)的投资;不包括单纯的土地交易活动。

固定资产投资按国民经济行业分  国民经济行业类别是按企业、事业、行政单位所从事的生产或其他社会经济活动性质的同一性进行的分类。如果项目投产后仍属于原投资单位,则该项目行业类别参照现有单位行业类别;如果项目投产后成为新的独立核算法人单位,则按投产后新法人单位主要产品种类或主要用途及社会经济活动种类来划分行业;审核、核准、备案项目按批文描述划分行业。

固定资产投资按建设性质分  建设项目的性质一般分为新建、扩建、改建和技术改造、单纯建造生活设施、迁建、恢复。单纯购置房地产开发单位、农村投资不划分建设性质。 (1)新建:一般指从无到有“平地起家”开始建设的企业、事业和行政单位或独立的工程。现有企业、事业、行政单位一般不属于新建。但如有的单位原有基础很小,经过建设后新增的固定资产价值超过该企、事业、行政单位原有固定资产价值(原值)三倍以上的也应作为新建。(2)扩建:指在厂内或其他地点,为扩大原有产品的生产能力(或效益)或增加新的产品生产能力,而增建主要的生产车间(或主要工程)、分厂、独立的生产线.行政、事业单位在原单位增建业务用房(如学校增建教学用房、医院增建门诊部、病房等)也作为扩建。现有企、事业单位为扩大原有主要产品生产能力或增加新的产品生产能力,增建一个或几个主要生产车间(或主要工程)、分厂,同时进行一些更新改造工程的,也应作为扩建。(3)改建和技术改造:指对原有设施进行技术改造或更新(包括相应配套的辅助性生产、生活福利设施),没有增建主要生产车间、分厂等。现有企、事业单位为适应市场变化的需要,而改变企业的主要产品种类(如军工企业转产民品等),或原有产品生产作业线由于各工序(车间)之间能力不平衡,为填平补齐充分发挥原有生产能力而增建不增加本企业主要产品设计能力的车间,也应作为改建。

固定资产投资按构成分  固定资产投资活动按其工作内容和实现方式分为建筑工程、安装工程、设备工具器具购置、其他费用四个部分。(1)建筑工程:是指各种房屋、建筑物的建造工程,又称建筑工作量。这部分投资额必须兴工动料,通过施工活动才能实现,是固定资产投资额的重要组成部分。(2)安装工程:是指各种设备、装置的安装工程,又称安装工作量。在安装工程中,不包括被安装设备本身价值。(3)设备工具器具购置:是指建设单位或企、事业单位购置或自制的,达到固定资产标准的设备工具器具的价值。新建单位及扩建单位的新建车间,按照设计或计划要求购置或自制的全部设备工具器具,不论是否达到固定资产标准均计入“设备工具器具购置”中。(4)其他费用:指在固定资产建造和购置过程中发生的,除上述几项内容以外的各种应分摊计入固定资产的费用。

施工项目  指报告期内进行过建筑或安装施工活动的项目。凡是报告期内施过工的建设项目,不论施工时间长短,均作为施工项目统计。施工项目个数可以反映一定时期固定资产投资的实际规模,与同期建成投产的建设项目个数相比,可以从建设速度的角度反映固定资产投资的效果。根据建设项目施工活动的不同性质,施工项目又分为:本年正式施工项目、本年收尾项目和以前年度全部停缓建项目。

房屋建筑面积  指房屋建筑物勒脚以上外墙外围的水平截面面积,包括房屋建筑物的有效面积和结构面积。该指标是从实物形态上反映建设规模和建设成果的重要指标之一,也是检查工程形象进度、计算工程造价、分析投资效果、研究施工任务和建筑材料之间平衡情况的重要依据。

住宅建筑面积  指施工和竣工房屋建筑面积中供居住用的房屋建筑面积。

施工面积  指报告期内施工的全部房屋建筑面积。包括本期新开工的面积和上期开工跨入本期继续施工的房屋面积,以及上期已停建在本期恢复施工的房屋面积。本期竣工和本期施工后又停缓建的房屋,其建筑面积仍计入本期房屋施工面积中。

竣工面积  指在报告期内房屋建筑按照设计要求已经全部完工,达到住人和使用条件,经验收鉴定合格(或达到竣工验收标准),正式移交使用单位的各栋房屋建筑面积的总和。

新增固定资产  指报告期内已经完成建造和购置过程,并已交付生产或使用单位的固定资产价值。该指标是表示固定资产投资成果的价值指标,也是反映建设进度,计算固定资产投资效果的重要指标。

竣工房屋住宅套数  指报告期内按照设计要求全部完工,经验收合格,达到居住和使用条件并正式交付使用的成套住宅数量。包括独立厨房、独立卫生间、若干卧室、室内走廊等设施在内的供一户居住和使用的房屋。该指标可以反映住宅建设的产业化程度和城市化进程以及人民居住水平提高的情况。

别墅、高档公寓  指建筑造价和销售价格明显高于一般商品住宅的商品住宅。别墅一般指地处郊区,独立成栋的商品住宅;高档公寓一般指地处市内高尚社区,高层或多层的商品住宅。别墅、高档公寓的确定标准:一是经有房地产投资计划审批权的主管部门审批建设的别墅、高档公寓开发项目;二是销售价格高于当地同等地段商品住宅平均销售价格一倍以上的别墅、公寓开发项目。该指标可以分析房地产投资结构,反映高收入家庭商品住宅的供求平衡情况。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Investment in fixed assets refers to the construction project investment and real estate development investment of enterprises, the registration of towns, soho, administrative units which the total investment is more than 5 million yuan(including 5 million yuan) , the diameter started to use since 2011.

Investment in Real Estate Development refers to the investment by the real estate development companies, commercial buildings construction companies and other real estate development units of various types of ownership in the construction of house buildings, such as residential buildings, factory buildings, warehouses, hotels, guesthouses, holiday villages, office buildings, and the complementary service facilities and land development projects, such as roads, water supply, water drainage, power supply, heating, telecommunications, land leveling and other projects of infrastructure. It excludes the activities in pure land transactions.

Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector  The classification of construction projects by sector is determined by the major products or the purpose of the projects when they are put into production or use, and by the nature of their social economic activities. In general, one project or one enterprise or institution can only be classified into one sector.

Investment in Fixed Assets by Type of Construction  The construction projects in general can be classified, by the type of construction, into new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical transformation, moving and restoration. However, investment by type of construction is not applied to investment by real-estate development units, investment in rural areas and investment in housing by urban individuals. (1) New construction in general refers to newly constructed enterprises, institutions, administrative agencies or independent projects from scratch. Construction in the existing enterprises, institutions or agencies is not considered as new construction. In case the assets of the existing unit is quite small, and the value of newly added fixed assets exceeds the original value of assets by three times, the expansion will be considered as new construction.(2) Expansion refers to construction of new major production workshop, branch factory or independent production line within a factory or in other locations, for the purpose of increasing the productioncapacity (or improving efficiency) of the original products. Newly constructed houses for the operation of institutions and administrative organizations (such as the newly constructed buildings for teaching in schools, buildings for clinics or wards in hospitals, etc.) are also classified as expansion.Also included in the expansion are investments by existing enterprises or institutions in building major production line or branch factory along with some work on innovation, for the purpose of expending the productioncapacity of original products or producing new products. (3) Reconstruction refers to construction projects by existing enterprises or institutions in innovation or technical transformation of the old facilities (including auxiliary production equipment and welfare facilities).  Also considered as reconstruction is the construction of new workshops by the existing enterprises or institutions to change the variety of products to meet the market demand (such as the production of civil products by defence industries), or to bring the designed productioncapacity into full play through a more balanced production process on production lines. Technical transformation refers to replacement of old technology or equipment by new technology or equipment, in order to expand the reproduction through improvement of technology contents in production, to improve product quality, to promote new products, to save energy and reduce consumption and to improve overall social-economic efficiency. Contents of technical transformation include: updating of machinery, equipment and tools; reforming production process by using energy or materials saving technology; construction of factory workshops and transformation of public facilities; improvement of working conditions and environment, etc.

Investment in Fixed Assets by Structure  By their contents, investment activities are classified into 4 categories, i.e. construction and installation, purchase of equipment and instrument, and other expenses.(1) Construction refers to the construction of various houses and buildings and installation of various kinds of equipment and instruments.They include construction of various houses; equipment foundations, industrial kilns and stoves, and metal structure work; preparation works for project construction, and clearing up works post project construction; pavement of railways and roads, drilling of mines and putting up of oil pipes; construction of projects of water conservancy; construction of underground air-raid shelters and construction of other special projects; value of equipment for heating, sanitation, ventilation, lighting, gas, painting, etc. that are covered by the budget of housing projects; laying out of various pipelines (for steam, compressed air, petroleum, tap water and sewage) and lines for electric power and for communications; installation of various machinery equipment, testing operation for pre-testing the quality of installation projects, and land and other development work conducted by real estate developers for commercial housing. The value of equipment installed is not included in the value of installation projects. (2) installation: refers to various equipment, equipment installation, also called the installation work. In the installation of equipment is installed, not including itself value.(3) Purchase of equipment and instruments refers to the total value of equipment, tools, and instruments purchased or self-produced which come up to standards for fixed assets by the construction units or investing enterprises or institutions. Equipment, tools and instruments purchased or self-produced for new workshops by newly established or expanded units are categorized as “purchase of equipment and instruments” no matter whether they come up to the standards for fixed assets.(4) Other expenses refer to expenses occurring during the construction or purchase of fixed assets other than those mentioned above.

Projects under Construction  refer to projects with construction and installation activities undertaken in the reference period. All projects that have construction activities undertaken during the reference period are reported as projects under construction irrespective of the length of construction work. The number of projects under construction can reflect the actual size of investment in fixed assets during a given period, and when compared with the number of projects completed and put into use during the same period, it demonstrates the results of investment in fixed assets. Depending on the nature of const ruction activities, projects under construction can also be classified into projects under construct ion in current y ear, winding-up projects in current year and stopped or suspended projects in previous years (with preservation work in current year).

Floor Space of Buildings under Construction  refers to total floor space of the horizontal section of outer walls above the plinth of the building, including the effective area and the area occupied by the structure. This indicator is one of the important indicators in physical terms to reflect the scale and accomplishment of the construction industry, and important basis for monitoring the pr ogress, calculating the cost, analyzing the efficiency and studying the supply of building materials in relation with the construction projects.

Floor Space of Residential Buildings  refers to the floor space of the residential buildings among the total space of buildings under construction or completed.

Floor Space under Construction  refers to total floor space of all buildings under construct ion during the reference period, including floor space of newly start ed buildings during the reference period, floor space of construction extended from the previous period to the current period, and floor space of construction suspended during the previous period and resumed in the current period. Floor space of construction completed in the current period, and floor space of construction started and then suspended in the current period are also included in the floor space under construction of the current year.

Floor Space of Buildings Completed  refers to the floor space of all buildings completed in the reference period, which have been appraised and accepted (or come up to the designed standards) and have been transferred to the owners for use.

Newly Increased Fixed Assets  refer to the newly increased value of fixed assets, constructed or purchased, that have been transfer red to the investors. This is an indicator that demonstrates the results of investment in fixed assets in monetary terms, and an important indicator to reflect the speed of construction and to calculate the efficiency of investment.

Number of Flats in Completed Residential Buildings  refers to total number of flats completed during the reference period, appraised and accepted as meeting the standards for living, and transfer red for use. A flat includes separate kitchen and bathroom, several bedrooms and corridor, suitable for one household. This indicator reflects the degree of industrialization of the residential building construction, the process of urbanization and the improvement of the living standard of people.

Villas, High-Grade Apartments refers to commercial houses whose construction costs and marketing prices are significantly higher than ordinary housing. Villas are independent structures generally located in the suburbs; high-grade apartments are multi-story buildings located in elegant urban neighborhoods. Criteria for villas and high-grade apartments include: 1) projects for the construction of villas or high-grade apartments have to be approved by competent departments in charge of real estate development and investment plans, and 2) prices for projects on villas or high- grade apartments are higher by over 100% compared with the average prices of ordinary commercial housing projects in similar location. This indicator helps to analyze the investment structure of the real estate industry and the demand and supply of housing for high-income households.