4-15 按各类分组房地产开发投资
Investment of Real Estate Development by Groups
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  完成投资额 207.37  540.39  1818.86  6026.80  6195.61 
    Investment of Completed
    Grouped by Status of Registration
    国有 45.28  57.28  128.22  32.88  56.18 
    集体 9.53  18.93  27.66  0.11  0.10 
    股份合作 4.17  2.39  2.86 
        Share Holding Cooperative
    联营 4.10  8.93  0.55 
    有限责任公司 21.49  107.28  705.67  2367.44  2236.96 
        Limited Liability Corporations
    股份有限公司 10.38  7.45  58.05  38.66  34.77 
        Share Holding Enterprises
    私营企业 26.42  178.55  586.39  3099.59  3397.23 
        Private Enterprises
    港澳台商投资企业 54.48  106.11  227.76  251.34  240.45 
        Enterprises with Funds from HongKong,
        Macao and TaiWan
    外商投资企业 30.42  51.47  70.15  236.80  229.93 
        Foreign Funded Enterprises
    其他企业 1.10  2.00  11.55 
        Other Enterprises
    By Type of Construction
    建筑工程 140.20  334.31  877.89  3122.86  3417.00 
    安装工程 7.78  22.60  53.72  182.30  171.19 
    设备工器具购置 3.95  3.97  9.39  57.16  75.58 
        Purchase of Equitment and Instruments
    其他费用 55.44  179.51  877.85  2664.49  2531.84 
    By Use of Project
    商业营业用房 29.91  47.82  162.33  481.96  448.99 
        House for Business Use
    住宅 125.07  363.72  975.13  4372.10  4560.71 
        Residential Building
    办公楼 15.20  10.76  49.67  214.56  189.81 
        Office Buildings
    其他 37.19  118.09  631.72  958.19  996.10 
    By Ownership
    中央 0.72  0.19  9.23  34.00  37.72 
    地方 206.65  540.20  1809.62  671.06  686.71 
        Local Project
    其他 5321.74  5471.18 
Note:Since 2019,the subordinate relationship has been adjusted,Added "Others",the Scope of "Central" and "Local" has been adjusted.