4-12 房地产开发企业(单位)主要情况
Main Situation of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  企业个数(个) 1922  2596  3634  3608  3571 
    Number of Enterprises(unit)
    内资企业 1151  1866  2926  3287  3276 
        Domestically funded enterprises
    #国有 356  225  216  382  390 
      集体 170  91  52  23  16 
    港澳台商投资企业 543  470  529  208  190 
        Enterprises with Funds from HongKong,Macao and TaiWan
    外商投资企业 228  260  179  113  105 
        Foreign Funded Enterprises
    Development and  Purchase of Land (10000 sq.m)
    土地购置面积 901.07  1822.55  1540.42  598.50  346.74 
        Purchased Land Space
  本年完成投资(亿元) 207.37  540.39  1818.86  6026.80  6195.61 
    Investment of Completed(100 million yuan)
  #住宅 125.07  363.72  975.13  4372.10  4560.71 
        Residential Building 
  本年实际到位资金(亿元) 276.86  803.93  2631.31  7355.03  7747.95 
    Actual Funds this Year
  #国内贷款 44.78  156.85  432.46  753.75  884.52 
        Domestic Loans
    利用外资 24.94  14.81  18.17  7.23  6.53 
        Foreign Investment
    自筹资金 54.21  217.15  1099.64  3173.46  3187.38 
    Floor Space of Buildings Completed (10000 sq.m)
    施工面积 3422.88  6107.75  14189.73  34556.77  34667.18 
        Floor Space Under Construction
    本年房屋竣工面积 1009.36  1576.16  2242.47  3804.07  4041.68 
        Floor Space Completed this Year
    本年新开工面积 1102.85  2196.57  4679.56  6637.99  6439.20 
        Newly Started This Year
    #住宅 891.87  1727.38  3399.53  4549.05  4587.40 
            Residential Buildings
  商品房销售面积(万平方米) 810.65  1913.84  2575.62  6607.18  6976.44 
    Floor Space of Commercial Buildings Sold (10000 sq.m)
  #住宅 675.73  1720.56  2139.26  5210.03  5597.61 
        Residential Buildings