4-6 按行业分固定资产投资额
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
指标 Item 2018 2019 2020 2021
本年完成投资 Total 17056.16  18064.93  17996.36  19083.28 
  农、林、牧、渔业   Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 365.49  363.75  340.47  410.89 
    农业      Agriculture 172.87  172.58  134.44  161.79 
    林业      Forestry 15.79  13.81  7.30  7.66 
    畜牧业      Animal Husbandry 60.07  47.76  87.45  132.02 
    渔业      Fishery 88.75  99.10  76.44  56.29 
    农、林、牧、渔专业及辅助性活动     Professional and Support Activities for Agriculture,
    Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
28.01  30.50  34.84  53.13 
  采矿业   Mining 38.93  46.19  61.00  90.02 
    煤炭开采和洗选业     Mining and Washing of Coal 8.28  2.02  1.87  2.04 
    石油和天然气开采业     Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas
    黑色金属矿采选业     Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores 5.99  3.24  8.77  6.10 
    有色金属矿采选业     Mining and Processing of Non-Ferrous Metal Ores 4.41  4.37  5.16  5.81 
    非金属矿采选业     Mining and Processing of Non-metal Ores 17.33  35.35  44.67  73.67 
    开采专业及辅助性活动     Professional and Support Activities for Mining 1.44  0.85  0.20  0.42 
    其他采矿业     Mining of Other Ores 1.49  0.36  0.33  1.98 
  制造业   Manufacturing 4111.03  4779.04  4671.45  5322.07 
    农副食品加工业     Processing of Food from Agricultural Products 295.12  284.32  323.28  379.03 
    食品制造业     Manufacture of Foods 139.26  157.60  118.68  140.78 
    酒、饮料和精制茶制造业     Manufacture of Liquor, Beverages and Refined Tea 155.12  163.69  173.63  188.31 
    烟草制品业     Manufacture of Tobacco 5.34  2.23  2.84  3.43 
    纺织业     Manufacture of Textile 227.25  260.43  205.16  171.37 
    纺织服装、服饰业     Manufacture of Textile, Wearing Apparel
    and Accessories
94.46  94.18  64.23  67.98 
    皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业     Manufacture of Leather, Fur, Feather and
    Related Products
125.37  126.13  133.97  107.32 
    木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业     Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Wood,
    Bamboo, Rattan, Palm and Straw Products
145.37  184.71  187.51  246.31 
    家具制造业     Manufacture of Furniture 86.16  114.05  94.74  111.49 
    造纸及纸制品业     Manufacture of Paper and Paper Products 88.40  85.92  78.61  104.43 
    印刷和记录媒介复制业     Printing and Reproduction of Recording Media 34.56  19.44  14.25  17.36 
    文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业     Manufacture of Articles for Culture, Education,
    Arts and Crafts, Sport and Entertainment Activities
81.64  68.08  78.78  74.50 
    石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业     Processing of Petroleum, Coal and Other Fuels 123.22  171.17  146.49  48.14 
    化学原料及化学制品制造业     Manufacture of Raw Chemical Materials
    and Chemical Products
318.40  475.20  485.73  509.06 
    医药制造业     Manufacture of Medicines 62.43  91.08  107.13  122.46 
    化学纤维制造业     Manufacture of Chemical Fibres 145.18  154.52  120.37  146.21 
    橡胶和塑料制品业     Manufacture of Rubber and Plastics Products 90.94  123.68  114.24  122.65 
    非金属矿物制品业     Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products 316.19  359.12  374.61  430.55 
    黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业     Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 109.74  155.11  149.50  195.33 
    有色金属冶炼和压延加工业     Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 70.71  72.35  60.86  63.47 
    金属制品业     Manufacture of Metal Products 165.82  182.84  142.03  140.41 
    通用设备制造业     Manufacture of General Purpose Machinery 142.38  159.85  171.48  190.20 
    专用设备制造业     Manufacture of Special Purpose Machinery 153.26  203.97  211.45  222.24 
    汽车制造业   Manufacture of Automobiles 105.30  183.44  116.87  101.29 
    铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业   Manufacture of Railway, Ship, Aerospace and
  Other Transport Equipments
23.77  33.36  21.82  39.80 
    电气机械和器材制造业   Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus 215.52  220.03  264.30  463.99 
    计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业   Manufacture of Computers, Communication and
  Other Electronic Equipment
422.77  450.72  518.80  733.93 
    仪器仪表制造业   Manufacture of Measuring Instruments and Machinery 24.37  36.35  30.41  14.24 
    其他制造业   Other Manufacture 94.98  82.85  99.18  107.93 
    废弃资源综合利用业   Utilization of Waste Resources 42.43  58.24  55.58  53.64 
    金属制品、机械和设备修理业   Repair Service of Metal Products, Machinery  and Equipment 5.56  4.37  4.91  4.21 
  电力、热力、燃气及水的生产和供应业 Production and Supply of Electricity,Heat, Gas and Water 614.32  675.92  809.69  771.17 
    电力、热力生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Electric Power  and Heat Power 394.05  406.74  561.98  550.89 
    燃气生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Gas 26.74  36.49  26.53  38.30 
    水的生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Water 193.53  232.69  221.19  181.98 
  建筑业 Construction 63.40  7.73  5.22  7.54 
    房屋建筑业   Construction of Buildings 17.74  4.36  2.27  4.82 
    土木工程建筑业   Civil Engineering 31.97  0.46  2.07  2.66 
    建筑安装业   Building Installation 3.67  2.17  0.88  0.05 
    建筑装饰、装修和其他建筑业   Building Decoration and Other Constructions 10.03  0.74 
  批发和零售业 Wholesale and Retail Trades 223.06  122.76  141.68  142.69 
    批发业   Wholesale Trade 121.60  59.53  76.22  58.91 
    零售业   Retail Trade 101.45  63.23  65.45  83.78 
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 1975.56  1682.23  1411.51  1462.56 
    铁路运输业   Railway Transport 7.55  9.24  7.71  27.98 
    道路运输业   Road Transport 1567.45  1427.46  1136.20  1019.59 
    水上运输业   Water Transport 97.51  73.71  68.55  134.22 
    航空运输业   Air Transport 152.88  35.10  65.29  80.65 
    管道运输业   Transport Via Pipelines 1.06  3.26  8.32  21.01 
    多式联运和运输代理业   Intermodality and Forwarding Agency 12.03  16.38  19.99  20.76 
    装卸搬运和仓储业   Loading, Unloading and Storage 132.04  116.33  104.51  154.86 
    邮政业   Post 5.04  0.75  0.94  3.49 
  住宿和餐饮业 Hotels and Catering Services 143.63  126.94  158.74  124.38 
    住宿业   Hotels 123.78  112.55  132.56  110.09 
    餐饮业   Catering Services 19.85  14.39  26.18  14.30 
  信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology 190.73  163.75  175.93  168.96 
    电信、广播电视和卫星传输服务   Telecommunication, Radio and Television and  Satellite Transmission Service 81.87  94.87  102.86  107.72 
    互联网和相关服务   Internet and Related Service 46.15  23.52  29.04  30.23 
    软件和信息技术服务业   Software and Information Technology 62.71  45.36  44.03  31.02 
  金融业 Financial Intermediation 15.50  14.66  17.61  16.53 
    货币金融业   Monetary and Financial Service 10.68  12.68  16.49  15.17 
    资本市场服务   Capital Market Service 3.30  0.93  0.44  0.15 
    保险业   Insurance
    其他金融业   Other Financial Activities 1.51  1.06  0.67  1.21 
  房地产业 Real Estate 5401.93  6235.70  6515.48  6584.19 
    房地产业   Real Estate 5401.93  6235.70  6515.48  6584.19 
  租赁和商务服务业 Leasing and Business Services 203.50  237.55  204.78  258.33 
    租赁业   Leasing 10.27  8.41  10.14  7.00 
    商务服务业   Business Services 193.23  229.14  194.64  251.32 
  科学研究和技术服务业 Scientific Research and Technical Services 47.59  37.73  32.83  73.18 
    研究与试验发展   Research and Experimental Development 10.53  10.29  6.15  24.17 
    专业技术服务业   Professional Technical Services 22.19  12.70  13.80  16.55 
    科技推广和应用服务业   Science and Technology Popularization and  Application Services 14.86  14.74  12.88  32.45 
  水利、环境和公共设施管理业 Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public acilities 2521.51  2339.03  2191.66  2325.81 
    水利管理业 Management of Water Conservancy 292.02  278.05  274.14  243.22 
    生态保护和环境治理业 Ecological Protection and Environmental Treatment 121.48  95.79  82.95  93.61 
    公共设施管理业 Management of Public Facilities 2106.33  1963.47  1833.70  1988.02 
    土地管理业 Management of Land 1.68  1.71  0.87  0.96 
  居民服务和其他服务业 Service to Households, Repair and Other Services 52.57  36.07  41.33  36.05 
    居民服务业 Services to Households 39.91  29.77  35.44  29.28 
    机动车、电子产品和日用产品修理业 Repair of Motor Vehicles, Electronics and Household Products 4.53  3.45  2.98  3.13 
    其他服务业 Other Services 8.13  2.85  2.91  3.64 
  教育 Education 293.31  400.40  408.71  450.92 
    教育 Education 293.31  400.40  408.71  450.92 
  卫生和社会工作 Health and Social Service 230.10  287.19  289.02  304.68 
    卫生 Health 188.66  230.56  249.08  254.70 
    社会工作 Social Service 41.45  56.63  39.94  49.98 
  文化、体育和娱乐业 Culture, Sports and Entertainment 418.52  439.98  457.88  457.38 
    新闻和出版业 Journalism and Publishing Activities 0.46  0.14  0.11  0.68 
    广播、电视、电影和影视录音制作业 Radio, Television, Motion Picture and Audio-visual Programme Production Services 8.76  10.89  9.89  11.87 
    文化艺术业 Cultural and Art Activities 191.79  144.90  117.32  116.41 
    体育 Sports Activities 87.23  82.92  89.47  76.08 
    娱乐业 Entertainment 130.28  201.13  241.09  252.35 
  公共管理和社会组织 Public Management, Social Security and Social Organization 145.49  68.31  61.37  75.94 
    中国共产党机关 Organs of Communist Party of China 0.37  0.04 
    国家机构 Government Agencies 79.79  30.76  34.81  57.95 
    人民政协和民主党派 People's Political Consultative Conference and Democratic Parties
    社会保障 Social Security 0.43  0.51  5.02  3.05 
    群众团体、社会团体和其他成员组织 Mass Organizations, Social Organizations and Other Membership Organizations 38.16  30.95  19.14  9.19 
    基层群众自治组织 Grass Roots Self-Governing Organizations 26.75  6.06  2.41  5.75 
  国际组织 International Organizations
    国际组织 International Organizations