4-5 按各类型分固定资产投资
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Types
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
指标 Item 2018 2019 2020 2021
总计 17056.16  18064.93  17996.36  19083.28 
#国有经济控股    State-holding 6729.70  6991.83  6895.06  7039.97 
按登记注册类型分 by Status of Registration
  内资企业    Domestic Funded 16045.53  16953.41  16776.50  17855.62 
    国有企业      Stated-owned Enterprises 2680.68  2378.47  1301.49  1488.29 
    集体企业      Collective-owned Enterprises 298.01  172.27  112.94  108.13 
    股份合作企业      Share Holding Cooperative Enterprises 8.24  6.31  3.12  10.36 
    联营企业      Cooperative Enterprises 36.52  10.83  3.51  4.84 
    有限责任公司      Limited Liability Corporations Enterprises 6395.25  7761.12  7376.14  7512.28 
    股份有限公司      Share Holding Enterprises 320.95  324.86  204.90  206.01 
    私营企业      Private Enterprises 5714.97  5842.56  7518.66  8205.71 
    其他企业      Other Enterprises 590.91  456.99  255.75  320.00 
  港澳台商投资企业    Funds from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan Enterprises 688.47  782.96  717.09  683.84 
  外商投资企业    Foreign Funded Enterprises 277.49  307.77  498.65  535.22 
  个体经营    Self-employed 44.68  20.79  4.13  8.59 
按建设性质分 By Kind of Construction
#新建    New Construction 7892.88  8046.60  7346.96  7632.01 
  扩建    Expansion 2582.00  2587.12  2732.25  2997.77 
  改建和技术改造    Reconstruction and Technical Transformation 1275.45  1419.00  1496.63  1796.35 
按构成分 by  Composition
  建筑安装工程    Construction and Installations 9379.86  10932.14  10800.15  13102.04 
  设备工器具购置    Purchase of Equipment and Instruments 2007.15  2108.04  2134.89  2122.62 
  其他费用    Other Expenses 3309.07  3490.54  3979.91  3858.61 
按隶属关系分 By Ownership
  中央投资    Central Government 418.14  660.91  680.48  649.74 
  地方投资    Local 16638.03  17404.02  17315.88  18433.54 
  其他   Others