4-4 投资施工项目数和计划总投资
Number of Investment Projects and Value of Planned Investment
指标 Item 2018 2019 2020 2021
施工项目个数 (个) Number of Projects Under Construction(unit) 23578 22195 20654 22601
  其中:本年新开工    Newly Started This Year 12362 8708 9174 10091
本年投产项目个数 (个) Number of Projects Put Into Production This Year(unit) 9791 11358 10361 12185
计划总投资 (亿元) Total Planned Investment(100 million yuan) 69551.19 72102.71 76710.27 82545.73 
  其中:本年新开工   Newly Started This Year 12110.06 9775.88 12517.6 11941.57