4-3 按构成、行业分固定资产投资额
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector and Composition of Investment
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
指标 Item 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
总计 Total 15368.32  17056.16  18064.93  17996.36  19083.28 
按投资构成分 by Composition
  建筑安装工程    Construction and Installations 10645.80  9379.86  10932.14  10800.15  13102.04 
  设备工器具购置    Purchase of Equipment and Instruments 1690.92  2007.15  2108.04  2134.89  2122.62 
  其他费用    Other Expenses 3031.59  3309.07  3490.54  3979.91  3858.61 
按行业分 by Sector
  农、林、牧、渔业    Agriculture, Forestry, Animal  Husbandry and Fishery 270.40  365.49  363.75  340.47  410.89 
  采矿业     Mining 51.67  38.93  46.19  61.00  90.02 
  制造业     Manufacturing 3426.50  4111.03  4779.04  4671.45  5322.07 
  电力、热力、燃气及水的生产和供应业     Production and Supply of Electricity,  Heat, Gas and Water 599.33  614.32  675.92  809.69  771.17 
  建筑业     Construction 43.23  63.40  7.73  5.22  7.54 
  批发和零售业     Wholesale and Retail Trades 176.84  223.06  122.76  141.68  142.69 
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业     Transport, Storage and Post 1819.68  1975.56  1682.23  1411.51  1462.56 
  住宿和餐饮业     Hotels and Catering Services 115.50  143.63  126.94  158.74  124.38 
  信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业     Information Transmission, Software  and Information Technology 140.87  190.73  163.75  175.93  168.96 
  金融业     Financial Intermediation 12.39  15.50  14.66  17.61  16.53 
  房地产业     Real Estate 5263.28  5401.93  6235.70  6515.48  6584.19 
  租赁和商务服务业     Leasing and Business Services 187.50  203.50  237.55  204.78  258.33 
  科学研究和技术服务业     Scientific Research and  Technical Services 47.23  47.59  37.73  32.83  73.18 
  水利、环境和公共设施管理业     Management of Water Conservancy,  Environment and Public Facilities 2432.75  2521.51  2339.03  2191.66  2325.81 
  居民服务、修理和其他服务业     Service to Households, Repair  and Other Services 52.26  52.57  36.07  41.33  36.05 
  教育     Education 203.97  293.31  400.40  408.71  450.92 
  卫生和社会工作     Health and Social Service 154.68  230.10  287.19  289.02  304.68 
  文化、体育和娱乐业     Culture, Sports and Entertainment 243.47  418.52  439.98  457.88  457.38 
  公共管理、社会保障和社会组织     Public Management, Social Security  and Social Organization 126.76  145.49  68.31  61.37  75.94 
  国际组织   International Organizations