3-10 全省就业基本情况
Basic Statistics of Employment
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2019 2020 2021
就业人员合计(万人) 1794 1923 2114 2210 2206 2197
Number of Employed Persons(10000 persons)
  第一产业 840 723 600 369 323 301
    Primary Industry
  第二产业 439 600 774 745 719 729
    Secondary Industry
  第三产业 515 600 740 1096 1164 1167
    Tertiary Industry
Composition in Percentage(%)
  第一产业 46.8 37.6 28.4 16.7 14.6 13.7
    Primary Industry
  第二产业 24.5 31.2 36.6 33.7 32.6 33.2
    Secondary Industry
  第三产业 28.7 31.2 35.0 49.6 52.8 53.1
    Tertiary Industry
城镇非私营单位就业人员(万人) 325.88 400.07 507.14 639.58 605.90 579.00
Urban(10000 persons)
#国有单位 170.82 150.88 155.51 147.14 152.27 150.48
    State-Owned Units
  集体单位 34.18 19.10 16.58 9.32 8.85 8.33
    Collective-Owned Units
  股份合作单位 3.64 5.80 8.14 5.47 7.51 1.81
    Cooperative Units
  联营单位 3.35 2.67 1.95 0.32 0.40 0.30
    Ownership Units
  有限责任公司 12.07 35.88 87.40 276.30 245.28 229.83
    Limited Liability Corporations
  股份有限公司 9.32 16.19 31.28 52.97 52.65 51.33
    Share-Holding Corporations Ltd.
  港澳台商投资单位 51.51 99.45 110.25 84.33 77.82 74.93
    Units With Funds From Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
  外商投资单位 40.26 64.05 81.88 48.58 53.84 54.34
    Foreign Funded Units
城镇非私营单位在岗职工人数(万人) 318.00 386.99 485.94 578.77 550.13 537.18
Staff and Workers in Urban Units(10000 persons)
  国有单位 166.78 144.51 145.74 136.27 143.11 141.46
    State-Owned Units
  城镇集体单位 33.15 18.19 15.38 7.10 7.96 7.75
    Collective-Owned Units
  其他经济 118.07 224.29 324.83 435.41 399.06 387.97
城镇私营单位就业人员数(万人) 362.67 617.59 603.26 620.63
Urban Private Enterprise and Self-employed Individuals(10000 persons)
城镇登记失业人数(万人) 9.10 14.86 14.49 16.81 35.74 37.97
Number of Urban Registered Unemployment(10000 persons)
城镇登记失业率(%) 2.60 4.00 3.77 3.50 3.82 3.33
Rate of Urban Registered Unemployment(%)
Note:The data of Employed Persons of 2000、2010 and 2019 are estimated on the basis of the fifth,sixth,seventh Population Census.The data of Employed Persons of 2005 are estimated on the basis of annual Sample Survey on Labour Force.The on-the-job employees include the labor dispatch personnel.