3-9 七次全国人口普查人口基本情况
Basic Statistics on National Population Census in 1953,1964,1982,1990,2000,2010 and 2020
项目  Item 1953 1964 1982 1990 2000 2010 2020
       Total Population and Family Household 
     家庭户(万户) 320 360 514 658 874 1121 1437
          Family Household(10000 household)
     总人口(万人) 1285 1676 2587 3005 3410 3689 4154
          Total Population (10000 persons)
        662 869 1331 1543 1757 1898 2147
        623 807 1256 1462 1653 1791 2007
       性别比(女性=100) 106.4 107.8 105.9 105.6 106.3 106.0 106.9
              Sex Ratio (female=100)
     平均每户人数(人/户) 4.0 4.7 4.9 4.4 3.6 3.0 2.7
          Population by Age Group(person/household)
       Population by Residence (10000 persons)
     城镇人口 223 548 642 1432 2106 2856
          Urban Population
     乡村人口 1453 2039 2363 1978 1583 1298
          Rural Population
     城镇化率(%) 13.3 21.2 21.4 42.0 57.1 68.8
          Proportion of Urban Population in Total Population(%)
       Population by Ethnicity(10000 persons)
     汉族人口 2562 2958 3351 3610 4042
       占总人口比重(%) 99.0 98.4 98.3 97.8 97.3
              Percentage to Total Population(%)
     少数民族人口 25 47 59 80 112
          Ethnic Minorities 
       占总人口比重(%) 1.0 1.6 1.7 2.2 2.7
             Percentage to Total Population(%)
       Population by Age Group  
      0-14岁人口(万人) 460 709 945 946 760 571 803
            Aged 0-14(10000 persons)
        占总人口比重(%) 35.8 42.3 36.5 31.5 22.3 15.5 19.3
                Percentage to Total Population(%)
     15-64岁人口(万人) 782 914 1530 1907 2422 2828 2890
         Aged 15-64(10000 persons)
        占总人口比重(%) 60.9 54.5 59.1 63.5 71.0 76.7 69.6
                Percentage to Total Population(%)
      65岁及65岁以上人口(万人) 43 53 113 152 228 291 461
            Aged 65 and Over(10000 persons)
        占总人口比重(%) 3.3 3.2 4.4 5.0 6.7 7.9 11.1
                Percentage to Total Population(%)
      百岁老年人口(人) 16 14 45 143 373 1058 3023
            Population of 100 and over (persons)
         3 2 7 16 46 221 755
         13 12 38 127 327 837 2268
      总抚养比(%) 64.2 83.3 69.2 57.6 42.2 30.5 43.7
            Total Dependency Ratio(%)
        少儿抚养比 58.8 77.6 61.8 49.6 32.7 20.2 27.8
                The Juvenile and Children Dependency Ratio
        老年抚养比 5.4 5.8 7.4 8.0 9.5 10.3 15.9
                The Aged Dependency Ratio 
        老少比(%) 9.2 7.4 12.0 16.1 30.1 51.0 57.4
                Population in Juvenile and Children to Aged(%)
      平均预期寿命(岁) 68.50 70.50 72.55 75.76 78.49
            Life Expectancy(year old)
         66.20 68.40 70.30 73.27 75.81
         70.70 72.60 75.07 78.64 81.55
       Population with Various Education Attainments 
          Population with Various Education Attainments
          Per 100 000  Persons (person)
       小学 26716 36334 43213 40200 29801 28031
              Primary School
       初中 5070 12601 16891 35700 37886 32218
              Junior Secondary School
       高中及中专 1826 5716 6991 11300 13876 14212
              Senior Secondary School and Technical Secondary School
       大专以上 439 608 1228 3200 8361 14148
              Junior College and Above
     文盲人口(万人) 651 477 327 90 97
          Illiterate Population (10000 persons)
     文盲率(%) 58.8 25.2 15.9 9.6 2.4 2.3
          Illiterate Rate(%)
       Labor and Employment
     劳动适龄人口(万人) 701 816 1364 1710 2188 2556 2511
          Population in suit of Employment 
       男(16-59岁) 367 444 736 911 1148 1353 1367
              Male (aged 16-59)
       女(16-54岁) 335 372 628 799 1040 1203 1144
              Female(aged 16-54)
     占总人口比重(%) 54.6 48.7 52.7 56.9 64.2 69.3 60.4
          Percentage to Total Population(%)
七、各种婚姻人口占15岁及以上人口比重(%) 100 100 100 100 100
        Population Aged 15 and Over(%)
     未婚 28.4 25.1 24.1 22.9 18.6
          Never Married
     有配偶 63.4 67.8 69.6 70.6 73.7
     离婚 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.2
     丧偶 7.6 6.5 5.6 5.4 5.5
     育龄妇女人数(万人) 319 354 608 778 1006 1121 999
          Childbearing Women(10000 person)
       生育旺盛期组(20-29岁) 106 109 212 293 328 359 228
              High Ratio of Childbearing Women(aged 20-29)
     生育率(‰) 94.4 90.8 32.9 33.0 39.6
          Fertility Rate(‰)
     总和生育率 2.70 2.40 1.03 1.12 1.38
          Total Fertility Rate
       Natural Growth
     出生率(‰) 36.67 38.59 27.91 24.44 11.60 11.27 9.21
          Birth Rate(‰)
     死亡率(‰) 12.55 8.68 6.35 6.71 5.85 5.16 6.24
          Death Rate(‰)
     自然增长率(‰) 24.12 29.91 21.56 17.73 5.75 6.11 2.97
          Natural Growth Rate(‰)