2-1 主要社会经济效益指标
Main Indicators on Economic Efficiency
项目    Item 2000 2005 2010 2015 2019 2020
  社会劳动生产率(元/人) 21149  33686  71731  119890  191004  197502 
    Labor Productivity(yuan/person)
  总产出中间投入率(%) 62.0  61.2  61.9  65.0  65.0  64.8 
    Ratio of Input to Total Output(%)
        By Sector
      工业 73.9  72.0  72.1  75.4  75.5  75.9 
      建筑业 70.9  71.7  67.5  71.0  74.4  73.8 
      交通运输、仓储和邮政业 47.2  46.9  55.5  59.5  60.7  62.7 
            Transport,Storage and Post Services
      批发和零售业 44.0  23.0  26.9  30.9  38.0  36.1 
            Wholesale,Retail Trade
  增加值率(%) 38.0  38.8  38.1  35.0  35.0  35.2 
    Value-added Rate(%)
        By Sector
      工业 26.1  28.0  27.9  24.6  24.5  24.1 
      建筑业 29.1  28.3  32.5  29.0  25.6  26.2 
      交通运输、仓储和邮政业 52.8  53.1  44.5  40.5  39.3  37.3 
            Transport,Storage and Post Services
      批发和零售业 56.0  77.0  73.1  69.1  62.0  63.9 
            Wholesale and Retail Trade
Note:a)Data in this table are calculated at current prices.b)the Data of Labor Productivity are adjusted according to the seventh population census.