1-6 全省法人单位数(2021年)
Number of Corporate Units(2021)
单位:个 (unit)
项目 Item 法人单位数
单产业法人 多产业法人
Number of Corporate Units SingleIndustry Multi- Industry
  按登记注册类型分  Grouped by Status of Registration 1385473 1362932 22541
    内资   Domestically funded enterprises 1368402 1346500 21902
      国有    State-owned Enterprises 36583 34589 1994
      集体    Collective-owned Enterprises 7726 7145 581
      股份合作    Cooperative Enterprises 455 402 53
      联营    Joint Ownership Enterprises 318 315 3
        国有联营     State-owned 35 35 0
        集体联营     Collective-owned 90 88 2
        国有与集体联营     State-owned and Collective-owned 29 29 0
        其他联营     Others 164 163 1
      有限责任公司    Limited-Liability Corporations 27047 25584 1463
        国有独资公司     Limited-Liability Corporations 2521 2254 267
        其他责任有限公司     State-owned 24526 23330 1196
      股份有限公司    Share Holding Corporations Ltd. 1884 1508 376
      私营    Private Enterprises 1218988 1201804 17184
        私营独资     Private-owned 90868 90325 543
        私营合伙     Private-cooperative 15552 15491 61
        私营有限责任公司     Private-limited liability 1108365 1092084 16281
        私营股份有限公司     Private-share holding 4203 3904 299
      其他    Other Enterprises 75401 75153 248
    港澳台商投资   Funds from HongKong, Macao,TaiWan 11487 11145 342
      合资经营(港或澳、台资)    Joint Venture 2622 2522 100
      合作经营(港或澳、台资)    Cooperative Operation 83 80 3
      港、澳、台商独资经营    Venture Exclusively 8418 8196 222
      港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司    Share Holding 192 177 15
      其他港澳台商投资    Others 172 170 2
    外商投资   Foreign Funded Enterprises 5584 5287 297
      中外合资    Joint Venture 1433 1362 71
      中外合作    Cooperative Operation 34 33 1
      外商独资    Venture Exclusively with Foreign Investment 3935 3723 212
      外商投资股份有限公司    Share Holding with Foreign Investment 81 71 10
      其他外商投资    Others 101 98 3
  按机构类型分  Grouped by Type of Institution 1385473 1362932 22541
    企业   Enterprise 1265005 1244482 20523
    事业单位   Institution 23910 23349 561
    机关   Agencies Organizations 6841 5655 1186
    社会团体   Community Organization 18327 18301 26
    其他   Others 71390 71145 245
  按行业分  Grouped by Sector 1385473 1362932 22541
    农、林、牧、渔业   Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 66845 66644 201
      农业    Agriculture 35730 35624 106
      林业    Forestry 6700 6673 27
      畜牧业    Animal Husbandry 9100 9071 29
      渔业    Fishery 8808 8789 19
      农、林、牧、渔服务业    Service of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal  Husbandry and Fishery 6507 6487 20
  采矿业   Mining 1773 1741 32
    煤炭开采和洗选业    Coal Mining and Dressing 125 122 3
    石油和天然气开采业    Petroleum and Natural Gas Mining
    黑色金属矿采选业    Ferrous Metals  Mining and Dressing 240 230 10
    有色金属矿采选业    Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 166 161 5
    非金属矿采选业    Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 1171 1157 14
    开采辅助活动    Subsidiary Action 36 36 0
    其他采矿业    Others Mining and Quarrying 35 35 0
  制造业   Manufacturing 179721 178125 1596
    农副食品加工业    Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing 6610 6514 96
    食品制造业    Food Manufacturing 5490 5412 78
    酒、饮料和精制茶制造业    Wine,Drink and Tea Manufacturing 7774 7663 111
    烟草制品业    Tobacco Processing 13 12 1
    纺织业    Textile Industry 6515 6465 50
    纺织服装、服饰业    Textile Garments Products 13080 12953 127
    皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业    Leather , Furs , Down and Relate Products 13841 13773 68
    木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业    Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm Fiber and Straw Products 7269 7215 54
    家具制造业    Furniture Manufacturing 7335 7285 50
    造纸和纸制品业    Papermaking and Paper Products 4398 4374 24
    印刷和记录媒介复制业    Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 3446 3398 48
    文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业    Cultural,Educational and Sports Goods 11619 11558 61
    石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业    Petroleum ProcessingCoking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 343 338 5
    化学原料和化学制品制造业    Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 4310 4246 64
    医药制造业    Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 1377 1351 26
    化学纤维制造业    Chemical Fiber 328 324 4
    橡胶和塑料制品业    Rubber and Plastic Products 9295 9229 66
    非金属矿物制品业    Nonmetal Minerals Products 21766 21594 172
    黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业    Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 619 614 5
    有色金属冶炼和压延加工业    Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals 826 815 11
    金属制品业    Metal Products 14737 14640 97
    通用设备制造业    General Equipment 9496 9429 67
    专用设备制造业    Special Purpose Equipment 9212 9139 73
    汽车制造业    Car Manufacturing 1946 1922 24
    铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业    Railway,Watercraft,Aviation and others  transportation Manufacturing 1157 1149 8
    电气机械和器材制造业    Electric Equipment and Machinery 6142 6073 69
    计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业    Computer,Communication and other   Electronic Equipment 4309 4242 67
    仪器仪表制造业    Instruments and Meters Machinery 1284 1259 25
    其他制造业    Others Manufacturing 2713 2703 10
    废弃资源综合利用业    Waste Resources and Materials Recovering 1033 1020 13
    金属制品、机械和设备修理业    Metals,Machinery and Equipment maintenance 1438 1416 22
  电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Electric Power  and Hot Power 7179 6991 188
    电力、热力生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Electric  Power and Hot Power 5702 5582 120
    燃气生产和供应业    Production and Supply of Gas 192 156 36
    水的生产和供应业    Production and Supply of Water 1285 1253 32
  建筑业   Construction 67622 62710 4912
    房屋建筑业    Building Engineering 21439 18669 2770
    土木工程建筑业    Civil Engineering 13075 11676 1399
    建筑安装业    Installation 4723 4515 208
    建筑装饰和其他建筑业    Building Decoration and Others 28385 27850 535
  批发和零售业   Wholesale and Retail Trade 529000 524099 4901
    批发业    Wholesale 279722 277637 2085
    零售业    Retail Trade 249278 246462 2816
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业   Transport,Storage and Post 27691 26893 798
    铁路运输业    Railways 94 93 1
    道路运输业    Highways 15907 15552 355
    水上运输业    Waterways 1674 1633 41
    航空运输业     Civil Aviation 161 152 9
    管道运输业     Pipeline 7 7 0
    多式联运和运输代理业    Multimodal Transport 6485 6366 119
    装卸搬运和仓储业     Handing and Storages 2259 2218 41
    邮政业    Posts 1104 872 232
  住宿和餐饮业   Hotels and Catering Services 20325 19559 766
    住宿业    Hotels 5867 5707 160
    餐饮业    Catering Services 14458 13852 606
  信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业   Information Transmission,Software and  Information Technology Services 82325 81700 625
    电信、广播电视和卫星传输服务    Telecommuni-cations and Others 884 810 74
    互联网和相关服务    Internet Services 15226 15116 110
    软件和信息技术服务业    Software and Information    Technology Services 66215 65774 441
  金融业   Financial Intermediation 4247 3723 524
    货币金融服务    Monetary and Financial Services 1342 1077 265
    资本市场服务    Monetary Market Services 1814 1797 17
    保险业    Insurances 505 274 231
    其他金融业    Others 586 575 11
   房地产业   Real Estate 31092 29747 1345
      房地产业    Real Estate 31092 29747 1345
   租赁和商务服务业   Leasing and Business Services 140999 138969 2030
      租赁业    Leasing  11687 11548 139
      商务服务业    Business Services 129312 127421 1891
   科学研究和技术服务业   Scientific Research, Technical Service 68594 67249 1345
      研究和试验发展    Research and Development 14676 14587 89
      专业技术服务业    Professional and Technical Services  25460 24368 1092
      科技推广和应用服务业    Science and Technology Exchange and Promotion Services 28458 28294 164
   水利、环境和公共设施管理业   Management of Water Conservancy,Environment and Public Facilities 8769 8631 138
      水利管理业    Water resources management  636 619 17
      生态保护和环境治理业    Environmental management  1300 1285 15
      公共设施管理业    Public Facilities Management  5252 5155 97
      土地管理业    Land Management 1581 1572 9
   居民服务、修理和其他服务业   Services to Households and Other Services 24256 23753 503
      居民服务业    Residents service  11318 11056 262
      机动车、电子产品和日用产品修理业    Repair Services of Vehicle,Electronic Products and Daily Necessities 8826 8670 156
      其他服务业    Others 4112 4027 85
   教育   Education 23515 22895 620
      教育    Education 23515 22895 620
   卫生和社会工作   Health, Social Security 8759 8619 140
      卫生    Health 5960 5852 108
      社会工作    Social Security 2799 2767 32
   文化、体育和娱乐业   Culture, Sports and Entertainment 37098 36702 396
      新闻和出版业    News Publish 340 332 8
      广播、电视、电影和影视录音制作业    Radio,Television,Film,Phonotape and Videotape 6066 6009 57
      文化艺术业    Culture art Industry 12806 12707 99
      体育    Sports 4389 4269 120
      娱乐业    Entertainment 13497 13385 112
   公共管理、社会保障和社会组织   Public Management and Social Organizations 55663 54182 1481
      中国共产党机关    The Communist Party of China 1378 1302 76
      国家机构    National Organization 13315 12156 1159
      人民政协、民主党派    People's Political Consultative and Democratic Party 248 242 6
      社会保障    Social Security 336 330 6
      群众团体、社会团体和其他成员组织    Mass Organizations,Social Organizations and Religious Organizations  23482 23451 31
      基层群众自治组织    Grassroots Autonomous Organization of The People  16904 16701 203