1-4 国民经济和社会发展比例和效益指标
Proportion and Efficiency Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
项目       Item 1978 1990 2000 2010 2020 2021
       Population and Employment
      出生率(‰) 25.35 24.44 11.60 11.27 9.21 8.26
            Birth Rate(‰)
      死亡率(‰) 6.31 6.71 5.85 5.16 6.24 6.28
            Death Rate(‰)
      自然增长率(‰) 19.04 17.73 5.75 6.11 2.97 1.98
            Natural Growth Rate(‰)
      城镇登记失业率(%) 9.10 2.60 2.60 3.77 3.82 3.33
            Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas(%)
       National Accounting
    工业增加值占地区生产总值比重(%) 35.9 28.8 37.8 43.5 35.8 36.4
        Proportion of Value added of Industry to GDP(%)
    人均地区生产总值(元) 273 1735 11194 40773 105106 116939
        Per Capita GDP(yuan)
    社会劳动生产率(元/人) 3733 21149 71731 197502 221714
        Labor Productivity(yuan/person)
    一般公共预算总收入相当于地区生产总值比例(%) 22.8 10.9 9.8 13.7 11.8 11.8
        Proportion of Government Revenue to GDP(%)
    一般公共预算支出相当于地区生产总值比例(%) 22.8 13.1 8.6 11.3 12.0 10.7
        Proportion of Government Expenditures to GDP(%)
    金融机构年末人民币存款余额相当于地区生产总值比例(%) 39.1 68.8 82.7 122.0 126.5 124.1
        Bank Deposits as Percentage of GDP(%)
    金融机构年末人民币贷款余额相当于地区生产总值比例(%) 47.4 73.1 64.8 101.5 134.4 135.1
        Bank Loans as Percentage of GDP(%)
    能源消费弹性系数 0.52 0.66 0.72 0.42 1.13
        Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption
    电力消费弹性系数 0.73 1.45 1.14 1.03 1.78
        Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Consumption
    单位地区生产总值能耗上升或下降(±%) -3.42 -1.83 0.90
        Energy Consumption per Unit of GDPton of SCE/ 10000 yuan)
        Output of Farm Crops per Hectare of Sown Area(kg)
      粮食 219 282 312 363 401 404
      油料 85 105 138 159 191 193
            Oil-bearing Crops
        Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
      总资产贡献率(%) 9.26 18.80 12.93 14.09
            Ratio of Total Assets to Industrial Output Value(%)
      资产负债率(%) 57.52 52.74 50.68 52.05
      流动资产周转次数(次) 1.89 2.87 2.62 2.72
            Number of Times of Annual of Turnover Circulating Funds (time)
      成本费用利润率(%) 4.76 8.83 7.74 8.23
            Ratio of Profits to Industrial Cost(%)
      产品销售率(%) 96.95 97.76 96.53 96.47
            Proportion of Products Sold(%)
    建筑业劳动生产率(按产值计算)(元/人) 64884 134520 285578 321185 
        Overall Labor Productivity(in terms of value-added  per employee)(yuan/person)
    产值利税率(%) 1.5 5.2 6.4 5.7 5.5
        Ratio of Pre-tax Profit to Gross Output Value(%)
    铁路网密度(公里/万平方公里) 81.37 82.34 117.26 170.16 304.38 321.23
        Railway Density(km/sq.km)
    公路网密度(公里/万平方公里) 2347.5 3307.34 4315.00 7339.92 8880.48 8954.09
        Highway Density(km/sq.km)
    进出口总额相当于地区生产总值比例(%) 43.4 46.7 49.1 32.3  37.8 
        Proportion of Total Value of Imports & Exports to GDP
    #出口总额相当于地区生产总值比例(%) 24.5 28.4 32.3 19.4  22.2 
            Proportion of Total Value of Exports to GDP(%)
    机电产品出口占出口总额的比重(%) 41.1 37.8  36.8 
        Proportion of Total Value of Mechanical and Electrical  Products to Total Exports(%)
    高新技术产品出口占出口总额的比重(%) 18.4 12.0  12.8 
        Proportion of Total Value of High and New-tech  Products to Total Exports(%)
        Natural Resources
      森林覆盖率(%) 39.50  43.20  60.50  63.10  66.80  66.80 
            Forest Coverage(%)
           People's Living Conditions
      全体居民人均可支配收入(元) 37202  40659 
                Annual Per Capita Disposable Income of Households 
2.70 2.32 2.30 2.93 2.26 2.20
                Proportion of Income in Urban Areas  to in Rural Areas (Rural=1)
           Science and Technology ,Education,Health Care
        每万人口发明专利拥有量(件) 0.89 12.2 14.84 
                The Ownership of Invention Patents per 10000  Persons(piece)
        学龄前儿童毛入学率(%) 99.10 99.86 100.00 99.98 99.95
                Rough Enrollment Rate of Pre-primary Schools(%)
        小学毕业生升学率(%) 64.96 97.27 96.74 99.28 99.54
                Graduation Rate of Primary Schools(%)
        初中毕业生升学率(%) 49.71 49.97 92.90 83.86 85.96
                Graduation Rate of Junior high schools(%)
        每千人口拥有卫生技术人员数(人) 2.24  2.85  2.86  3.79  6.69  7.03 
                Number of Licensed(Assistant) Doctors per 1000 Population (person)
        #医生 0.9  1.2  1.2  1.5  2.5  2.7 
        每千人口拥有卫生机构床位数(张) 2.1  2.2  2.6  3.0  5.2  5.3 
                Number of Hospital Beds per 1000 Population(set)