
居民消费价格指数  是反映一定时期内城乡居民所购买的生活消费品和服务项目价格变动趋势和程度的相对数,是对城市居民消费价格指数和农村居民消费价格指数进行综合汇总计算的结果。通过该指数可以观察和分析消费品的零售价格和服务项目价格变动对城乡居民实际生活费支出的影响程度。

城市居民消费价格指数  是反映一定时期内城市居民家庭所购买的生活消费品价格和服务项目价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。通过该指数可以观察和分析消费品的零售价格和服务项目价格变动对城镇居民收入和消费支出的影响。

农村居民消费价格指数  是反映一定时期内农村居民家庭所购买的生活消费品价格和服务项目价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。该指数可以观察农村消费品的零售价格和服务项目价格变动对农村居民收入和生活消费支出的影响。

商品零售价格指数 是反映一定时期内城乡商品零售价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。商品零售价格的变动与国家的财政收入、市场供需的平衡、消费与积累的比例关系有关。因此,该指数可以从一个侧面对上述经济活动进行观察和分析。

工业生产者出厂价格指数  是反映一定时期内全部工业产品出厂价格总水平的变动趋势和程度的相对数,包括工业企业售给本企业以外所有单位的各种产品和直接售给居民用于生活消费的产品。该指数可以观察出厂价格变动对工业总产值及增加值的影响。

工业生产者购进价格指数  是反映工业企业作为生产投入,而从物资交易市场和能源、原材料生产企业购买原材料、燃料和动力产品时,所支付的价格水平变动趋势和程度的统计指标,是扣除工业企业物质消耗成本中的价格变动影响的重要依据。目前,我国编制的工业生产者购进价格指数所调查的产品包括燃料动力、黑色金属、有色金属、化工、建材等九大类。

农业生产资料价格指数  指反映一定时期内农业生产资料价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。其编制目的是了解农业生产中投入物质资料价格的变动状况,服务于国民经济核算。1994年以前,农业生产资料价格指数仅仅是商品零售价格指数的一个类别,此后,从商品零售价格指数中分离出来,单独编制。

农产品生产者价格指数  是反映一定时期内,农产品生产者出售农产品价格水平变动趋势及幅度的相对数。该指数可以客观反映全国农产品生产价格水平和结构变动情况,满足农业与国民经济核算需要。其中某代表品生产价格指数是通过对全部有出售该产品行为的调查单位的个体指数进行几何平均求得的,类价格指数是通过对其所属的类(或代表品)的价格指数进行加权平均求得的。季度累计价格指数的计算方法与分季指数的计算方法相同。

固定资产投资价格指数  是反映一定时期内固定资产投资品及取费项目的价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。固定资产投资额是由建筑安装工程投资完成额、设备工器具购置投资完成额和其他费用投资完成额三部分组成的。编制固定资产投资价格指数应首先分别编制上述三部分投资的价格指数,然后采用加权算术平均法求出固定资产投资价格总指数。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Consumer Price Indices  reflect the trend and degree of changes in prices of consumer goods and services purchased by urban households during a given period,and is a composite index derived from the urban consumer price index and the rural consumer price index. Consumer price index can be used to analyze the impact of consumer price change on actual expenditure for living cost of urban and rural residents.

Urban Consumer Price Indices  reflect the trend and degree of changes in prices of consumer goods and services purchased by urban households. It can be used to observe and analyze the impact of price changes in consumer goods and services on money wages of staff and workers, and provide basis for policymaking concerning the living cost and wages of staff and workers.

Rural Consumer Price Indices  reflect the trend and degree of changes in prices of consumer goods and services purchased by rural households. It can be used to observe the impact of change in retail prices of consumer goods and service prices in rural areas on living expenditure of rural households, and to show the changes in the living standard of peasants. It provides basis for analysis and research on condition of life in rural areas.

Retail Price Indices   reflect the trend and degree of change in retail prices of commodities during a given period. The change in retail prices of commodities directly affect the living expenses of urban and rural residents, government revenue, purchasing power of residents and the equilibrium of market supply and demand, and the ratio of consumption to accumulation. Therefore, the retail price indices are useful from an oblique perspective for observing and analyzing the changes of the above economic activities.

Ex-factory Price Indices of Industrial Products  reflect the trend and degree of changes in general ex-factory prices of all industrial products during a given period,including sales of industrial products by an industrial enterprise to all units outside the enterprise,as well as sales of consumer goods to residents.It can be used to analyze the impact of ex-factory prices on gross output value and value-added of the industrial sector.

Price Indices for Means of Agricultural Production reflect the trend and degree of changes in the prices of the means of agricultural production during a given period. Compilation of these indices helps to understand the price changes of material input in agricultural production and facilitate the compilation of national accounts. Before 1994, price indices for means of agricultural production were a sub-category in the retail price indices for commodities, and it has been compiled separately since 1994.

Indices of Producers’ Prices for Farm Products  reflect the trend and degree of changes in producers’ prices received by farmers when they sell farm products during a given period. These indices depict the change in the level and structure of producers’ prices of farm products of the country and meet the needs of agriculture statistics and national account statistics. The producers’ price index of a given product is calculated through geometrical mean of individual indices of all surveyed units who sell such product, and the indices of a product category is obtained through weighted mean of price indices of all products in the category. Method for calculating accumulative quarterly indices is the same as for calculating the distinctive quarterly indices.

Producer Prices Indices for Farm Products  reflect the trend and degree of changes in producers’ prices received by farmers when they sell farm products during a given period. These indices depict the change in the level and structure of producer prices for farm products of the country and meet the needs of agricultural statistics and national accounts statistics. The producer price index for a given product is calculated as the geometrical mean of individual indices for all surveyed units which sell such product, and the indices for a product category is obtained as the weighted mean of price indices for all products in the category. Method for calculating accumulative quarterly indices is the same as for calculating the individual quarterly indices.

Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets  reflects the trend and degree of changes in prices of investment in fixed assets. The investment in fixed assets consists of three components, namely the investment in construction and installation, the investment in purchases of equipment and instrument,and the investment in other items. Price index of investment in fixed assets is calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of the price indices of the three components of investment in fixed assets.

Removing the factor of price change in the aggregates of investment at current prices, this indicator shows the changes in the prices of commodities and fees involved in the investment of fixed assets, and can be used to observe the actual size, growth, structure,and efficiency of investment in fixed assets and provides reliable and scientific data for government planning, management, decision making, and further improving the current national accounting system.