10-24 畜禽存栏数
number of livestock and poultry on hand
项目 item 2000 2003 2005 2007 2008  
1.牛存栏数 bull 111.44 97.78 75.63 63.13 70.83 12.2
   乳牛    cow 3.59 5.80 4.99 5.36 4.69 -12.5
2.猪存栏数  number of hogs on hand 1087.66 1198.51 1249.83 1294.62 1324.09 2.3
   能繁殖母猪   number of female hogs with fertility 76.27 87.15 97.97 105.58 131.49 24.5
3.羊存栏数  number of sheep on hand (1000) 96.22 109.26 93.56 81.82 96.59 18.05
4.蜜蜂年末箱数  number of beehive at the year-end 23.09 30.79 35.32 37.09 36.98 -0.3
5.家兔年末数  number of domestic rabbit at the year-end 714.40 763.35 822.67 814.49 812.41 -0.3
6.家禽年末数  number of poultry at the year-end ####### ####### 9937.04 9928.88 9339.30 -5.9