10-1 农村基层组织和劳动力情况
basic rural units and resource of rural labour,2000-2008
  2000 2003 2005 2007 2008
项目  item
    basic rural units          
    乡(镇)政府(个) 942 960 934 928 928
        township and town governments(unit)          
      乡政府(个) 365 352 341 338 338
            township governments(unit)          
      镇政府(个) 577 608 593 590 590
            town governments(unit)          
    村民委员会(个) 14988 14894 14630 14420 14436
        villagers’ committees(unit)          
    乡村户数(万户) 660.04 679.35 682.23 681.08 696.38
        number of rural households(10000 household)          
    乡村人口(万人) 2689.39 2675.75 2667.03 2647.45 2670.88
        population of rural households(10000 person)          
    自来水受益村数(个) 8341 8901 9589 10700 11654
        number of villages which have running water(unit)          
    通汽车村数(个) 14696 14667 14448 14270 14345
        number of villages where cars can arrived(unit)          
    通电话村数(个) 14653 14812 14590 14397 14419
        number of villages where telephone can  used(unit)          
    resource of rural labour          
    乡村劳动力资源总数(万人) 1367.65 1436.59 1490.55 1499.96 1539.10
        amount resource of rural labour  (10000 persons)
      #劳动年龄内 1292.05 1336.07 1370.21 1362.81 1403.96
            population at working age
    乡村从业人员(万人) 1253.46 1292.55 1320.51 1325.61 1357.76
        actural employment in rural
             (10000 person)
     劳动年龄内     1244.55 1230.40 1258.75
        employment at working age
      #国有农林牧渔业从业人员 9.34 8.87 7.50 7.20 7.28
        employment of state-owned, parming, forestry,animal
             husbandy and fishery
            by male
        674.32 696.44 712.20 712.50 731.01
        579.15 596.10 608.31 613.11 626.75
      国民经济行业分类 (gb/t 4754-2002)          
            by sector          
       #农业 778.07 744.79 699.67 637.46 636.55
        工业 141.12 174.46 209.18 258.27 285.75
        建筑业 79.40 85.03 87.40 96.98 98.29
        交通运输、仓储和邮政业 36.40 38.80 40.50 41.27 41.98
                transport, storage and post services          
        批发和零售业     69.46 82.00 87.32
                wholesale and retail trade          
        住宿和餐饮业     18.90 26.83 29.92
                lodgings and catering services          
note: according to the existing system, the data of population of rural households and population at working age, male and female, employment of parming in gb/t 47542002 has been adjusted.