16-2  能源消费弹性系数(1990-2007年)
elasticity ratio of energy production1990-2007
年份 能源消费比 电力消费比 能源消费 电力消费
上年增长(%) 上年增长(%) 弹性系数 弹性系数
year growth rate of growth rate of elasticity ratio elasticity ratio
energy production electricity of  energy of electricity
over preceding year production over production production
  preceding year    
(%) (%)    
1990 3.51 5.48 0.47 0.73
1991 5.38 11.03 0.38 0.78
1992 6.11 16.32 0.30 0.80
1993 13.85 10.63 0.61 0.47
1994 8.45 17.24 0.42 0.85
1995 13.70 14.13 0.94 0.97
1996 7.56 9.03 0.67 0.80
1997 1.91 8.88 0.14 0.63
1998 3.18 3.78 0.29 0.35
1999 7.49 10.36 0.76 1.05
2000 6.17 13.44 0.66 1.45
2001 7.49 9.17 0.86 1.05
2002 14.30 21.74 1.40 2.13
2003 12.37 17.73 1.08 1.54
2004 11.45 5.35 0.97 0.45
2005 13.00 13.88 1.12 1.20
2006 11.10 14.57 0.75 0.98
2007 11.19 15.40 0.73 1.01
note:the coefficient for conversion of electric power into sce (standard coal equivalent) is calculated on the basis of the data on average 
 coal consumption in generating electric power in the same year. the same applies to the tables following.