16-1  能源生产总量及构成(1990-2007年)
 total production of energy and its composition1990-2007
年份 能源生产总量 占能源生产总量的比重(%)
(万吨标准煤) as percentage of total energy production
year total energy production 原煤 水电、风电
(10 000 tons of sce) coal hydro-power & wind power
1990 966.52 68.39 31.61
1991 854.43 71.66 28.34
1992 1013.39 64.12 35.88
1993 1051.43 66.75 33.25
1994 1169.96 59.67 40.33
1995 1396.24 58.02 41.98
1996 1406.04 59.34 40.66
1997 1256.30 44.12 55.88
1998 1177.00 44.12 55.88
1999 1634.16 59.88 40.12
2000 1654.17 60.34 39.66
2001 1850.44 49.91 50.09
2002 1923.40 61.28 38.72
2003 1816.80 68.41 31.59
2004 1805.75 72.59 27.41
2005 2387.07 59.85 40.15
2006 2603.06 56.72 43.28
2007 2579.78 60.75 39.25
note:the coefficient for conversion of electric power into sce (standard coal equivalent) is calculated on the basis of the data on average coal
 consumption in generating electric power in the same year. the same applies to the tables following.