14-40 课本出版情况
publication of textbooks
项目 item 2000 2005 2006 2007
种数(种) number of publication( kind) 310 576 548 576
  大专及以上课本  textbooks for colleges and universities 21 64 58 92
  中专、技校课本  textbooks for secondary technical schools 3   1 1
  中学课本  texbooks for middle schools 85 219 189 177
  小学课本  texbooks for primary schools 168 253 263 276
  业余教育课本  texbooks for spare-time education 2 1   2
  教学用书  teaching materials 31 39 37 28
总印数(万册) printed copies( 10000 copies) 7372.59 6531.51 5801.54 4930.04
  大专及以上课本  textbooks for colleges and universities 4.98 36.46 27.36 37.85
  中专、技校课本  textbooks for secondary technical schools 2.96   0.30 0.81
  中学课本  texbooks for middle schools 3264.42 2970.87 2682.23 2293.82
  小学课本  texbooks for primary schools 4048.64 3495.89 3075.46 2588.12
  业余教育课本  texbooks for spare-time education 0.90 1.00   0.70
  教学用书  teaching materials 50.69 27.29 16.19 8.74
总印张(千印张) printed sheets( 10000 sheet) 452875.98 441593.37 393571.40 326929.61
  大专及以上课本  textbooks for colleges and universities 700.94 5735.93 5206.54 8719.75
  中专、技校课本  textbooks for secondary technical schools 606.38   50.25 121.50
  中学课本  texbooks for middle schools 292711.82 297796.23 262912.04 207805.97
  小学课本  texbooks for primary schools 155212.46 136237.30 124397.64 109658.83
  业余教育课本  texbooks for spare-time education 77.97 98.18   99.03
  教学用书  teaching materials 3566.41 1725.73 1004.93 524.53
定价总金额(万元) total priced value( 10000 yuan) 38826.39 35827.29 31514.59 27978.96
  大专及以上课本  textbooks for colleges and universities 94.47 781.04 692.38 1136.36
  中专、技校课本  textbooks for secondary technical schools 68.07   8.40 14.58
  中学课本  texbooks for middle schools 20547.10 21759.72 19731.24 16771.90
  小学课本  texbooks for primary schools 17876.27 13175.19 11031.57 10001.19
  业余教育课本  texbooks for spare-time education 13.45 17.10   15.30
  教学用书  teaching materials 227.03 94.24 51.00 39.63