14-25  中等职业教育分科学生数(2007年)
number of student in specialized secondary schools by field of study, 2007
单位:人     (person)
毕业生数 招生数 #招初中 在校生数
  new student junior secondury student
graduates enrollment graduates enrollment
合计 total 123729 191409 180801 494266
农林类 agriculture and forestry 4733 5586 4973 15388
资源与环境类 source and enviroment 325 288 237 1427
能源类 power 374 614 540 1858
土木水利工程类 construction and water conservancy engineering 2420 5813 5437 12183
加工制造类 machining and manufacture 18313 32719 31157 82546
交通运输类 transport 3006 8530 6899 19255
信息技术类 information technology 30157 41173 39916 110082
医药卫生类 health 7981 10155 9393 28884
商贸与旅游类 trad and tour 14246 21199 20624 56284
财经类 finance and economics 12050 21631 20307 53019
文化艺术与体育类 arts and physical culture 7214 15681 14641 35975
社会公共事业类 society commonality business 2962 2948 2546 7718
师范类 teacher training 3293 6638 6534 15771
其他 others 16655 18434 17597 53876
note: specialized secondary schools include secondary schools , adult secondary schools and specialized junior schools .(the same sa the following)