14-16  主要年份各类学校专任教师数
number of full-time teachers by type of school in selected year
单位:人               ( persons)
  普通高等 中等专业           幼儿园
  regular institutions secondary regular senior vocational technical primary kinder
  of higher   secondary secondary secondary      
year educations schools schools schools schools schools schools gartens
1952 600 1100 4200 900     31900 600
1957 1800 1200 6700 1800     42400 2100
1962 3500 2000 12300 3000 300   62000 3200
1965 3000 1700 14300 3200 3000 100 127400 4300
1970 1800   18700       85300  
1975 3100 1100 34700 9600     140400 3800
1980 6100 3000 57100 12600 200 800 141800 14000
1985 8100 4700 55500 13000 3400 1300 138700 18600
1990 8900 6000 70700 13600 5800 2100 148800 26900
1995 8400 6700 91100 13300 9800 2300 166200 40600
1996 8400 6700 98600 13700 10200 2100 170800 41400
1997 8600 6900 105300 14600 10600 2100 176600 42400
1998 8279 7149 111986 16384 10636 2100 180587 41771
1999 8853 7162 117312 19295 10770 2800 183601 40033
2000 9779 6920 120667 23170 10382 2800 183547 39409
2001 10716 6798 125866 27411 9988 2500 181816 26647
2002 12500 6100 131300 31500 10100 2500 181500 25800
2003 16171 17400 135800 35900 23 2700 177200 27200
2004 20900 17300 139500 40100 23 3000 171000 28800
2005 24919 17500 144300 45300 21 3100 166500 31200
2006 28724 18216 148055 49593 19 3268 163350 31845
2007 31400 18200 150600 52200 18 4861 160900 33400