14-11  技术市场基本情况
basic statistics of technical market
     item 2006 2007
合同数 合同金额 合同数 合同金额
(项) (万元) (项) (万元)
number of amount number of amount
contracts   contracts  
(unit) (10000 yuan) (unit) (10000 yuan)
    total                5673 144122 5047 168662
按合同类别分 by kind of contract          
  技术开发合同   contract of technical development 1585 64191 1752 68989
  技术转让合同   contract of technical transfer   122 46261 98 72069
  技术咨询合同   contract of technical advisory       1059 11288 996 9696
  技术服务合同   contract of technical service      2907 22382 2201 17908
按服务目标分 by service aim      
  陆地、海洋和大气的开发   develop and estimate of land ocean
      与估价          and atmosphere
  民用宇宙空间   civil ocean space 34 652 204 2874
  农业、林业和渔业的发展   development of farm, forestry and fishery 168 3309 126 2426
  促进工业发展   development of industry 266 45403 347 39529
  能源的生产、储存和分配   production, storage and distribution for energy 264 2214 104 3643
  交通、通讯事业的发展   development of transportation and communication
  教育事业的发展   development of education
  卫生事业的发展   development of health cares             189 4798 109 4538
  环境保护   environmental protection           803 8261 451 5394
  知识全面发展   all-around development of knowledge           89 1304 69 4511
  社会发展和社会经济服务   development of social and social economic serves 1771 47627 1324 44061
  国防   national defense 18 1301 16 262
  基础设施的发展 development of foundation facilities 339 9456 295 9227
  地球和大气层的探索与 probe and utilize of earth and atmasphere 5 255 2 29
  其他   others                       1727 19542 2000 52168
按技术流向分 by the flaw of technology             
  本省   native province          5073 105108 4327 129731
  省外   outside the province                  600 39014 720 38931