14-7  规模以上工业企业科技进步状况(2007年)
basic statistics on scientific and technological development of large-scale
 medium and industrial, 2007
    item 合计      
采掘业 制造业 电力、燃气
      electric power
  mining manufa- gas and water
  and   production
total quarrying cturing and supply
一、单位数(个) number of units (unit) 15178 537 14212 429
二、从事科技活动人员(人) number of persons engaged in scientific and 72126 955 70426 745
          technological activities        
    #高中级职称人员(人)   personnel with senior middle title (person) 19521 387 18722 412
      无高中级职称的大学本科   person graduating from regular college or 25554 125 25287 142
          及以上人员(人)         above without senior or middle title        
三、本年经费筹集总额(万元) total sources of funds in current year (10000 yuan) 1505399 11414 1488576 5409
    #政府财政拨款   government funds 32670 48 32612 10
      企业自筹资金   self-raised 1255660 11001 1239260 5399
      银行货款   bank loans 185652 350 185302  
四、本年经费内部支出(万元) intramural expenditure of current year (10000 yuan) 1328965 10953 1313743 4269
    #r&d经费 r&d expenditure 674199 8966 663375 1857
五、专利申请(件) patent applications (unit) 2193   2192 1
六、新产品实现销售收入(万元) sales revenue of new products  (10000 yuan) 15207592 4296 15203250 46
七、技术改造经费支出(万元) expenditure for technology transform (10000 yuan)  513374 7944 468485 36945
    技术引进经费支出(万元)   expenditure for indraught technology (10000 yuan) 223478   223478  
    购买国内技术支出(万元)   expenditure for purchasing inner technology  18513 10 18352 151
             (10000 yuan)