14-6  县级以上政府部门科学研究与开发机构情况
govemment institutions engaged in science research and development activities
above county level
     item 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007
机构数(个) number of institutions(unit) 125 104 99 98 103
职工人数(人) number of staff(person) 6796 5367 5246 5476 5778
1.自然科学 natural sciences and technology          
  机构数(个)   number of institutions(unit) 107 88 83 82 87
  职工人数(人)   number of staff(person) 6215 4841 4718 4957 5247
  #从事科技活动人员(人)     persons engaged in scientific and technological 4723 3913 3890 4128 4429
           activities (person)          
    #科学家、工程师(人)       scientists and engineers (person) 3358 2771 2711 2854 3238
  经费收入总额(万元)   total funds (10000 yuan) 42187 61270 62057 75367 93403
  #政府拨款(万元)     government appropriations (10000 yuan) 22566 41320 44249 56466 73885
  经费支出总额(万元)   total expenditures (10000 yuan) 36449 56031 57784 62784 74201
2.社会、人文科学 social sciences and humanities           
  机构数(个)   number of institutions(unit) 4 3 3 3 3
  职工人数(人)   number of staff(person) 236 205 207 206 216
  #从事科技活动人员(人)     persons engaged in scientific and technological 207 181 183 182 183
    #科学家、工程师(人)       scientists and engineers(person) 174 154 161 168 167
  经费收入总额(万元)   total funds (10000 yuan)  1543 2419 2540 2658 3206
  #政府拨款(万元)     government appropriations (10000 yuan) 1489 2281 2433 2642 3148
  经费支出总额(万元)   total expenditures (10000 yuan) 1443 2584 2801 2489 2729
3.科学情报和文献 scientific-technical information           
          and literature          
  机构数(个)   number of institutions(unit) 14 13 13 13 13
  职工人数(人)   number of staff (person) 345 321 321 313 315
  #从事科技活动人员(人)     persons engaged in scientific and technological 305 285 288 275 276
    #科学家、工程师(人)       scientists and engineers(person) 219 210 206 199 220
  经费收入总额(万元)   total funds (10000 yuan) 2748 2682 4808 4059 4086
  #政府拨款(万元)   government appropriations (10000 yuan) 2297 2326 4266 3678 3418
  经费支出总额(万元)   total expenditures (10000 yuan) 2680 2592 4763 4217 3422