13-20  外商投资企业生产经营情况(2007年)      
major indicators of foreign-funded enterprises, 2007      
      item 企业数 外商实际     从业人员 工资总额 实交税金 总产值 销售收入     利润总额 资产总额
        及 附 加 #出口销售
(个) (万美元)     (人) (万元) (万元) (万元) (万元) (万元) (万美元) (万元) (万元)
            tax actually            
number of actual foreign     employees total wages paid and extra total sales revenue sales revenue export sales total profit total assets
enterprises investment         charges outputvalue          
(unit) (10000 dollars)     (person) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan)  (usd 10000) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan)
合计                         total 10791 747592     2118919 4061904 2741213 66478548 69346560 27573053 3701081 4125460 79689071    
按投资方式分 by kind of investment                              
  合资企业                         joint venture 2429 326624     529219 1169323 917167 21974289 23679767 6749193 905932 1191957 27519425    
  合作企业                         cooperative operation 623 32083     110950 185028 73177 2418981 2741887 1106876 148574 192950 3349902    
  独资企业                         sole-foreign enterprises 7635 379901     1449598 2635816 1418147 41164166 41333475 19426464 2607579 2577207 45019787    
  股份制企业   share holding enterprises 40 7004     18684 41433 31305 822483 952316 254261 34129 10356 1530477    
  其他企业   other enterprises 64 1980     10468 30304 31418 98629 639116 36259 4867 152991 2269480    
按行业分                         by secter                              
  农林牧渔业                       farming, forestry, animal husbandy and fishery 199 3112     6270 10630 1733 110934 85279 37041 4972 2361 536420    
  采矿业                           mining and quarrying 46 1588     3557 5107 4933 107101 97047 33525 4500 6566 80695    
  制造业                           manufacturing 8451 535088     1981195 3633095 1898307 64767261 60796721 27286877 3662668 3106115 50699950    
  电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业     production and supply of electricity gas and water 124 37522     7471 31043 123868 1087631 1096324     149984 2996259    
  建筑业                           construction 108 2011     10906 29096 12793 109570 338800 19214 2579 18409 505336    
  交通运输、仓储及邮电业       transport, storage and post services 132 17773     9034 32999 15874 3656 462165 3353 450 95530 1893687    
  信息传输计算机服务及软件业   information transmission, computer software and services 105 991     10218 51260 24252 23812 560893 27833 3736 173411 1132732    
  批发和零售贸易业           wholesale and retail trade 289 3358     23026 104999 68865 17368 2476125 160160 21498 139306 1627287    
  住宿和餐饮业   lodgings and catering services 195 8461     32414 59940 23737 11064 411545 834 112 1727 967535    
  金融                    finance 22 4109     963 8337 7339   196121     44418 4361367    
  房地产业                         real estate 721 120628     18933 58994 261259 234092 2459087 3010 404 323459 13761958    
  租赁和商务服务业   rent and business services 109 3864     1770 6971 13542 35 210770 179 24 44170 359668    
  科学研究技术服务和地质勘查业   scientific reseach, ploytechnic services and geological 53 2654     1167 3564 1190 3421 27150 231 31 2403 95616    
  水利、环境和公共设施管理业   water conservancy, environment and public facilities 27 6     1176 4381 1211   17514     1211 69924    
  居民服务和其他服务业   resident services and others 109 2060     5695 10593 3458 843 32667 365 49 2694 220240    
  教育   education 12 31     658 1860 6 31 2584     22 5045    
  卫生、社会保障和社会福利业           health care, social ensure and walfare 5 100     74 204 33 74 1389     73 4014    
  文化、体育和娱乐业   culture, sports and entertainment 84 4237     4392 8831 8814 1656 74381 440 59 13602 371338    
  公共管理和社会组织        public management and social organizations                              
  国际组织   intenational organzition                              
注:本表国民经济行业分类标准采用gb/t 4754-2002。                          
note: the classified standards of national ecomonic sector are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.