13-16  涉外税收主要指标(1980-2007年)
basic statistics of taxes on enterprises with foreign capital,1980-2007
单位:万元           (usd 10000)
      外商投资企   城市房 车船使用  
    统一税 业和外国企 所得税 地产税 牌 照 税  
year total industrial and income tax of  individual tax on tax on  
commercial foreign capital   urban license of others
tax enterprises income tax real estate vehicle use  
1980 3 2   1      
1981 15 8 2 4 1    
1982 100 71 21 5 2 1  
1983 466 406 51 6 2 1  
1984 1595 1322 256 11 3 3  
1985 3294 2833 388 48 9 16  
1986 5019 3511 1288 119 76 25  
1987 7539 6432 570 305 200 32  
1988 15201 12928 1552 396 290 35  
1989 31979 28087 3557 86 216 33  
1990 64361 43075 4310 403 759 74 15740
1991 69004 57651 6008 686 1296 88 3275
1992 96684 80544 10440 796 1928 108 2868
1993 165151 141073 18734 1171 3142 135 896
1994 241239 196943 33886 2945   195 7270
1995 314491 253985 40346 6433 8221 223 5283
1996 321385 259037 36909 10512 10290 222 4415
1997 399596 270700 49891 16566 10712 143 51584
1998 427978 323294 61466 23612 15188 153 4265
1999 615278 480920 80203 31404 17197 160 5394
2000 805058 606864 128522 41010 20717 137 7808
2001 1185431 943648 149662 58104 24468 324 9225
2002 1752684 1388974 259337 59850 31262 295 12966
2003 2083532 1647965 310246 76144 35981 233 15963
2004 2750440 2205541 396195 93732 37712 129 20131
2005 3297179 2647888 451434 117050 47531 149 33127
2006 3762352 2970472 550005 126135 54669 158 60913
2007 4432889 3431652 662730 164291 63786 146 110284
note:a)tax from 1998 includes commissioned customs tax .b) since 1994, the industrial and commercial tax has been divided into value-added 
tax, operation tax and consumption tax.