13-11  外商直接投资按行业分合同数和合同金额
number and value of signed contracts for direct foreign investment by sector 
年份     建筑业 交通运输仓储 批发和零售 房地产公用
及邮电通信业 贸易餐饮业 事业服务业
year       transport, storage, wholesale & real estate, public
agriculture industry construction post and retail trade and business and social
      telecommunications catering services services
合同数(项)  number (unit)                                          
1979 2 1       2
1980   5 1 3   4
1985 21 266 24 13 63 4
1990 42 930 1 5 10 46
1991 57 1077   6 11 60
1992 134 2520 21 11 22 402
1993 161 3536 67 21 124 727
1994 133 2068 41 22 176 535
1995 166 1973 29 15 130 364
1996 114 1431 14 10 184 203
1997 140 1755 28 6 179 63
1998 168 1482 12 21 98 207
1999 132 1052 11 9 40 182
2000 117 1129 5 4 55 146
2001 102 1304 5 15 34 196
2002 97 1382 14 14 50 268
2003 110 1839 14 25 60 226
2004 93 1837 11 26 100 210
2005 81 1570 4 25 92 216
2006 85 1633 12 34 207 193
2007 69 1204 3 21 234 191
金额(万美元)  volume(usd 10000)                                 
1979 78 10       17
1980 33 247 5 12   163
1985 1228 15977 1254 586 12085 290
1990 3462 90126 91 331 488 20731
1991 5256 98215   978 737 21644
1992 8128 338783 1088 2817 27068 251232
1993 17482 574966 6931 2692 23151 490073
1994 11607 394043 4132 7683 11583 261169
1995 20790 660166 3187 17270 27927 73714
1996 12678 469257 15031 8825 21286 113065
1997 15932 323558 21977 17486 28839 39576
1998 31810 336922 21773 8597 7308 89349
1999 28748 359611 4806 2161 8877 84126
2000 18083 318217 1666 2038 7481 81152
2001 17589 371725 1464 7915 2420 97129
2002(报表口径)(new scope) 12453 310522 6224 7404 3866 49620
2002(历史可比口径)(old scope) 19599 581954 11153 8799 4812 68102
2003(报表口径)(new scope) 14166 398730 7144 7288 4076 45947
2004(验资口径)(scope by fund examination) 12674 426684 321 15651 13838 68131
2005(验资口径)(scope by fund examination) 22415 467697 754 21674 15222 67953
2006(验资口径)(scope by fund examination) 17158 659295 6121 26289 38025 115181
2007(验资口径)(scope by fund examination) 16497 648414 -197 12301 36543 153864