13-9  进口千万美元以上的商品(2007年)
major import commodities over ten million dollars , 2007
单位:万美元   (usd 10000)
机电产品 mechanical and electrical products 1276230
高新技术产品 hi-teach products 556893
液晶显示板 liquid crystal television 335878
集成电路 integrate circuit  177236
初级形状的塑料 plastic in primary form 151824
纺织纱线、织物及制品 spinning yarn, fabric and the products 65668
自动数据处理设备及其部件 automatic data processing facilities and the components 65354
大豆 soybean 63646
钢材 rolled steel 57597
航空器零件 parts of air craft 55760
自动数据处理设备的零件 parts of automatic data processing facilities 46924
通断保护电路装置及零件 electric apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits 41071
铁矿砂及其精砂 iron ore  and ironed ore 36671
飞机 planes 34649
纺织机械及零件 spinning machines and parts  34308
饲料用鱼粉 fish meal as feed 32784
未锻造的铝及铝材 aluminum 31365
电视、收音机及无线电讯设备的零附件 parts of television, radio and wireless telecommunication equipment 30533
牛皮革及马皮革 cow leather and horse leather 30336
纸浆 paper pulp 27050
计量检测分析自控仪器及器具 automatic measuring, inspecting and analyzing instruments and apparatus 25398
食用植物油 edible vegetable oil 24671
乙二醇 glycol 23990
二极管、晶体管及类似半导体器件 diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor apparatus 22926
废纸 waste paper 21580
未锻造的铜及铜材 rolled copper and copper materials 20576
合成橡胶(包括胶乳) synthetic rubber (including latex) 18601
电容器 electical capacitors  18130
机械提升搬运装卸设备及零件 machine lifting, moving, loading and unloading facilities and parts 16395
纸及纸板(未切成形的) paper and paperboard in rolls 15329
变压、整流、电感器及零件 transformers rectifiers, inductances and the parts 15283
天然橡胶(包括胶乳) natural rubber (including latex) 14872
对苯二甲酸 telephthalic acid 14608
汽车零件 parts of motor vehicles 14519
感光材料 sensitive materials 13994
电线和电缆 insulated wire or cable 13845
coal  13844
原木 log 13386
金属加工机床 machine tools 12370
建筑及采矿用机械及零件 machines for construction and mining  11615
涡轮喷气发动机 turbo engines 10739
非泡沫塑料的板、片、膜、箔 non-foam board, flake,membrance and foil 10307
液化石油气及其他烃类气 liquilized petroleum gas and other gaseous hydrocarbon 9573
废铜 waste copper 8905
塑料制品 plastic articles 8738
印刷电路 printing circuit 6853
锯材 sawed wood 6557
橡胶或塑料加工机械及零件 rubber or plastic process machine and parts 6498
成品油 petroleum products refined 6459
印刷、装订机械及零件 printing and binding machines and parts 6334
冻鱼 frozen fish 6138
阀门 valrse 5842
原油 oil 5812
液泵及液体提升机 liquid pumps and liquid lifting machines 5334
鞋靴零件;护腿及类似品 shose accessories, leg guards and analogs 5294
医疗仪器及器械 medical instruments and appliances 5293
谷物及谷物粉 corn and corn products 5141
废铝 waste aluminum 4858
异氰酸酯 special cyanic acid ester 4271
苯乙烯 cinnamene 4255
电动机及发电机 electric motors and generators 4140
制造纸及纸制品用机械及零件 papermaking and paper products machines and parts 4033
电池 batteries 3657
汽车和汽车底盘 motor vehicles and chassis 3638
电阻器 resistors  3566
棉花 cotton 3532
型模及金属铸造用型箱 boxes for models and metal foundry 3503
发电机组及旋转式变流机 electrical generators and circles converters 3474
钢铁制标准坚固件 standard infrangible articles made of steel 3376
聚合物油漆及清漆 polymer varnish  2832
旋转式电力设备的零件 parts of revolving electric power facilities 2763
制电灯泡及类似品用玻璃外壳 glass shell for electric bulbs and analogs 2693
服装及衣着附件 clothing and accessories 2661
钛白粉 titanic powder 2626
录放音、像机及唱机的零附件 parts of sound recorders, video tape recorders and phonographs 2535
无线电导航雷达及遥控设备 radio navigation radar and remote control aid 2318
纺织用合成纤维 synthetic fiber for spinning 2054
钻石 diamond 2054
铜矿砂及其精砂 copper sand 2036
集成电路零件 integrate circuit and micro-electronics modules 1891
电视显像管 television kinescope 1667
铬矿砂及其精砂 chromium ore and chromiumed ore 1581
己内酰胺 amine 1575
焊接机器及零件 welding machines and parts 1511
印刷品 printed 1114
玻璃纤维 glass fiber 1090
玻璃热加工机械及零件 glass hot process machine and parts 1074
医药品 sewing machines for industrial use 1019