12-8  限额以上批发零售业商品销售类值
value of sales in wholesale and retail sale enterprises above designated size
 by category
单位:万元           (10000 yuan)
项目 item 2006     2007    
批发额 零售额 批发额 零售额
wholesale retail wholesale retail
trade trade trade trade
食品、饮料、烟酒类 food,beverages,tobaccos and liguor 6015580 5139823 875757 6355637 5221193 1134444
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品类 garments,shoes,caps and textiles 3527237 3156586 370652 4241584 3762371 479213
化妆品类 cosmetics 117298 35938 81360 114798 17277 97521
金银珠宝类 gold,silver and jewelry 114116 46136 67980 212612 109030 103582
日用品类 articles for daily use 723985 532447 191537 893953 624937 269016
五金、电料类 hardware and electrical materials 213639 175660 37980 346809 315002 31807
体育、娱乐用品类 sports and recreation articles 112452 84450 28002 126067 79350 46717
书报杂志类 newspapers and magazines 238913 116111 122802 267602 133830 133772
电子出版物及音像制品类 e-journal and video products 17258 2698 14560 16355 1602 14754
家用电器和音像器材类 household appliances and video  1050396 467871 582524 1191935 503552 688382
中西药品类 traditional chinese and western  1079362 837699 241663 1186250 913466 272784
文化办公用品类 cultural and official goods 547589 422053 125536 561955 394624 167331
家具类 furniture  133084 84523 48562 158330 84951 73379
通讯器材类 communication appliances 672050 508979 163071 741985 532761 209224
煤碳及制品类 coal and related products 273560 257255 16305 391001 383555 7446
木材及制品类 wood and wooden products 313959 310283 3676 363582 359492 4090
石油及制品类 petroleum and related products 4285346 2245622 2039725 4582420 2026128 2556292
化工材料及制品类 raw chemical materials 2812963 2782564 30399 3597108 3562106 35002
金属材料类 metal materrials 3745462 3692226 53236 5177386 5113412 63973
建筑及装潢材料类 building and decoration materials 602732 519061 83671 844010 683838 160172
机电产品及设备类 mechanical and electrical products  1284448 1181052 103396 1602467 1488238 114228
        and equipment            
汽车类 vehicles 2188087 487329 1700759 2760389 608364 2152025
种子饲料类 seed and feedstuff 215141 211379 3762 173154 173154  
棉麻类 cotton and ramie 20505 20222 283 26759 26759  
其他类 others 2759596 2581781 177815 3913345 3642056 271290
note:the data in this table are from quick statistics data.