12-7  限额以上批发零售业商品销售数量(2007年)
volume of sales in wholesale and retail sale enterprises 
above designated size, 2007
批发量 零售量
total wholesale retail
粮食(吨) grain  (ton) 1457073 1303522 153551
食用植物油(吨) edible vegetable oil (ton) 527948 426845 101103
照相机(台) camera (set) 315834 78062 237772
 #数码照相机(台)   numeral camera (set) 188467 75741 112726
彩色电视机(台) television set (unit) 927992 507976 420016
 #液晶等离子电视机(台) liquid crystal and plasma tv 132160 55661 76499
组合音响(台) hi-fi stereo component system (unit) 55078 6667 48411
摄像机(台) pickup camera (unit) 27209 1659 25550
影碟机(台) video disc player (unit) 262314 58648 203666
家用电冰箱(台) household refrigerator (unit) 632413 309687 322726
家用洗衣机(台) household washing machine 328170 72941 255229
房间空调器(台) room air conditioner (unit) 1325491 912938 412553
微波炉 (台) micro-oven (unit) 450241 236884 213357
微型计算机 (台) personal computer (unit) 660008 387618 272390
普通电话机 (台) telephone (unit) 340705 130619 210086
移动电话机 (台) mobile phone (unit) 3045680 1606501 1439179
汽油 (吨) gasoline  (ton) 2181343 577636 1603707
煤油 (吨) kerosene  (ton) 164119 120278 43841
柴油 (吨) diesel oil  (ton) 3932741 1536080 2396661
汽车 (辆) motor vehicle (unit) 192897 49275 143622
 #轿车 (辆)   car (unit) 91118 13798 77320
note:the data in this table are from quick statistics data.