12-5  限额以上批发业商品购销存总额(2007年)
total purchases,sales and inventory of wholesale enterprises
above designated size, 2007
单位:万元           (10000 yuan)
      item 法人企业 产业活动 从业人员 购进总额   销售总额       年末库存
(个) 单位(个) (人) #进口      
  number of       #出口
number of economic persons total goods            
corporation active units employed             inventory at
(unit) (unit) (person) purchase import sales wholesale exports retail sale the year-end
   total 1398 1709 83068 39306678 3038474 34480003 31973595 6483287 2506409 2090157
 #国有及国有控股      state-owned and state-holding        296 506 42872 15790122 1749428 17517834 15427042 3046406 2090791 1047418
按登记注册类型分 by registration category                    
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 1356 1643 69721 29973995 2942892 32336389 30354344 6398133 1982046 1868539
    国有企业     state-owned enterprises 177 320 23430 5385134 178185 6295559 6155409 1391249 140150 302084
    集体企业     collective-owned enterprises 20 20 1568 408429 18904 444171 443847 114020 324 49814
    股份合作企业     cooperative enterprises 6 6 161 31076 1434 33850 33146 104 704 5637
    联营企业     joint ownership enterprises 17 20 535 275102 21691 287592 258631 20066 28961 16968
      国有联营企业       state-owned joint ownership 10 13 439 174366 4732 180744 151784   28961 13187
      集体联营企业       collective joint ownership 1 1 10     2087 2087 2087    
      国有与集体联营企业       joint state-collective 1 1 18 46473   48568 48568 9880   921
      其他联营企业       other joint ownership 5 5 68 54263 16960 56193 56193 8100   2860
    有限责任公司     limited liability corporations 410 484 16777 9589740 1126632 9858200 9658161 1704089 200040 652708
      国有独资企业       state sole funded corporations 15 33 984 1215781 369883 1223068 1223068 69579   169913
      其他有限责任公司       other limited liability 395 451 15793 8373959 756750 8635132 8435093 1634510 200040 482795
    股份有限公司     share-holding corporations ltd. 37 79 6838 6321512 1105051 6676174 5271341 1090206 1404832 419396
    私营企业     private enterprises 680 705 20143 7891251 489753 8645339 8442211 2056815 203128 416951
      私营独资企业       private-funded enterprises 13 13 669 126978 25659 149066 146834 23437 2233 10683
      私营合伙企业       private partnership enterprises 15 15 356 122802 5153 133398 132823 32026 575 5636
      私营有限责任公司       private limited liability 627 652 18327 7354553 452613 8022853 7829730 1947890 193123 384618
      私营股份有限公司       private share-holding 25 25 791 286918 6328 340023 332824 53462 7198 16014
         corporations ltd.                    
    其他企业     other enterprises 9 9 269 71752 1242 95505 91598 21585 3907 4981
  港澳台商投资企业   funds from hong kong, macao 18 24 1266 419187 22950 496523 488276 55303 8247 83227
     and taiwan                    
    合资企业     joint-venture enterprises 6 8 585 207496 3650 291624 291614 36404 10 6344
    合作企业     cooperative enterprises                    
    独资企业     enterprises with sole investment 12 14 601 191182 19300 182952 174716 18899 8237 76008
    股份有限公司     fund share-holding corporations   2 80 20509   21946 21946     875
  外商投资企业   foreign funded enterprises 24 42 12081 8913496 72632 1647091 1130975 29851 516117 138391
    中外合资     joint-venture enterprises 11 22 9713 1154216 4004 1198560 712959 14164 485600 113414
    中外合作     cooperation enterprises                    
    外资企业     enterprises with sole foreign 12 18 1732 7683965 25344 334822 304306 15592 30516 12265
    外商投资股份有限公司     share-holding with foreign funds 1 2 636 75315 43284 113709 113709 96   12712
按行业分 by sector                    
  农畜产品批发业 wholesale of farm crops and livestock  25 56 639 240771 56139 210082 210076 29280 6 109966
  食品、饮料、烟草批发业 wholesale of food, beverages  124 193 21467 11512965 171923 4957921 4851748 540364 106172 202990
          and tobaccos                    
  #米面制品及食用油  sholesale of rice, wheat products and 23 25 1211 560639 5039 570020 568499 163528 1521 67007
        批发业         rdible oil                    
    烟草制品批发业   wholesale of tobaccos 12 50 11865 1955386 6363 2570973 2570973 4841   63663
  纺织、服装及日用品 wholesale of textiles, garments and 220 224 8280 6927857 1065640 7176367 7155368 3092884 20998 343026
       批发业         daily consumer articles                    
  #服装批发业   wholesale of garments 67 69 2778 4498509 985537 4495786 4492882 1592053 2904 221537
  文化、体育用品及器材 wholesale of culture, sports products  39 39 2774 489239 5941 510433 502848 151113 7585 40217
       批发业         and appliances                    
  医药及医疗器械批发业 wholesale of medicines and medical  66 117 7031 1024576 3559 1187680 912574 28724 275106 104368
  矿产品、建材及化工产品 wholesale of mineral products, building 566 670 25732 12309660 1059539 13408710 11486529 1176799 1922181 753350
      批发业         materials and chemical products                    
  #煤炭及制品批发业   wholesale of coal and its products 28 48 605 348020 23712 382832 372118 12855 10714 11805
    石油及制品批发业   wholesale of petroleum and its products 59 110 12663 3801702 2817 4278079 2546757 4663 1731322 203000
    金属及金属矿批发业   wholesale of metal and metal mineral 153 157 3232 3776963 380431 4059606 3944255 493333 115350 247856
    建材批发业   wholesale of building materials 139 155 4794 1924908 106288 1968928 1916175 380123 52753 122116
    化肥批发业   wholesale of chemical fertilizer 15 15 929 324510 21378 343740 343740 115806   44455
  机械设备五金交电及电子 wholesale of machinery, equipment,  238 267 12273 3359034 261878 3369583 3212587 418658 156996 346666
      产品批发业 hardware,transport and electic products                    
  #汽车摩托车及零配件   wholesale of motor vehicles,  60 65 2094 513180 25885 620249 569677 42766 50572 41096
        批发业        motorcycles and parts                    
    家用电器批发业   whole of family electrical equipments 32 40 2742 418593 301 483212 470646 4715 12566 38906
    计算机软件及辅助设备   wholesale of computer software and 25 30 1984 346266 18289 389893 319573 381 70320 21730
        批发业         supplementary equipments                    
  贸易经纪与代理 trade broker and agent 27 50 1841 674358 36581 763536 763487 552820 49 15358
  其他类未包括的批发业 other wholesale not classified elsewhere 93 93 3031 2768218 377274 2895692 2878377 492645 17315 174215