11-10  主要年份邮电业务总量
business volume of postal and telecommunication services in selected years
   邮电业务总量 函件 报刊杂志期发数 长途电话 固定电话年末户数 邮政业务总量 电信业务总量 特快专递 集邮业务 移动电话用户 互联网用户 固定电话交换机
(亿元) (万件) (万份) (万次) (万户) (亿元) (亿元) (万件) (万枚) (万户) (万户) 容量(万户)
  business volume of post  number of number of newspaper number of long number of telephone   business volume     mobile phones internet capacity of
and telecommunications  letters and magazines distance calls subscribers at the  business volume of telecommu- express mail stamp collection users service users telephone
service   circulation   year-end of post nication services services business (10000 (10000 exchanges
(100 millions) (10000 pcs) (10000 copies)  (10000 times) (10000 subscribers) (100 millions) (100 millions) (10000 pcs) (10000 pcs) subscribers) subscribers) (10000 lines)
1952 0.13 1781 22 47 0.60              
1957 0.26 5278 73 32 1.25              
1962 0.62 8505 64 216 3.21              
1965 0.60 8039 130 261 3.24              
1970 0.60 6737 55 202 3.19              
1975 0.86 8449 182 382 4.46              
1978 1.01 8790 258 529 5.88              
1979 1.14 9950 303 605 6.31              
1980 1.22 11509 381 612 6.57              
1981 1.35 11911 468 627 6.86              
1982 1.40 11941 530 634 7.28              
1983 1.53 12142 662 773 7.84              
1984 1.72 13173 898 899 8.83              
1985 2.08 15240 887 1241 10.14              
1986 2.31 16058 868 1354 11.15
1987 2.80 17484 899 1743 11.07
1988 3.72 18972 804 2676 14.45
1989 5.42 17715 550 3287 17.91
1990 7.32 16228 614 4612 22.82
1991 9.51 16843 628 6901 29.04
1992 14.69 20413 671 11764 42.75
1993 24.22 25632 637 21921 75.00
1994 36.48 28359 615 30688 117.73
1995 52.75 31568 654 38265 168.65 4.26 48.50     15.50   353
1996 73.02 32858 618 47416 219.26 4.85 68.17     35.65   396
1997 99.52 30293 629 57197 285.51 5.62 86.98     77.82   453
1998 131.84 29511 623 67906 347.46 6.59 125.25 315.20 13050.82 142.20 3.85 547
1999 179.93 24980 633 65958 436.25 7.98 171.95 582.14 13308.40 281.29 13.10 655
2000 246.34 24163 650 82812 562.70 10.22 236.12 701.38 11007.97 441.00 70.70 808
2001 194.43 23832 595 56242 750.28 17.71 176.72 743.80 8871.11 619.97 183.29 1048
2002 257.49 26959 564 50216 937.10 19.49 238.00 543.01 7775.50 792.04 253.57 1182
2003 318.24 28166 539 62650 1124.87 22.36 295.88 682.10 5409.86 965.00 298.08 1445
2004 426.76 26224 462 94970 1266.00 22.62 404.14 789.39 5569.77 1134.00 285.44 1671
2005 519.76 22879 501 143582 1398.53 25.61 494.15 898.36 4375.56 1302.00 600.21 1813
2006 633.04 30464 509 140696 1485.53 27.93 605.11 1040.60 4364.30 1538.91 760.83 1959
2007 787.79 25445 499 107682 1482.00 29.24 758.55 1250.00 4379.70 1809.00 876.00 1941.00
note:a)the business volum of post and telecommunication services in 2000 and before is calculated at constant prices of 1990. it is calculated at 
cprices of 2000 from 2001 onwards. b)letters and long-distance calls include only domestic business before 1993, and since 1993, include also 
international business. long-distance calls exclude ip business.