11-4  主要年份水路运输情况
waterway transportation in selected years
  内河航运里程   客运量 旅客周转量 货运量 货物周转量
(公里) #通航里程 (万人) (亿人公里) (万吨) (亿吨公里)
year length of length of passenger traffic passenger-kilometers freight traffic freight
navigable inland     (100 million   ton-kilometers
waterways (km) waterways (10000 persons) passenger-km) (10000 tons) (100 million ton-km)
1952 4078   165 0.95 117 1.16
1957 4315   582 2.35 596 4.75
1962 5141   1062 2.87 742 7.06
1965 4723   715 1.51 891 10.79
1970 3726   697 1.51 698 8.97
1975 3793   895 1.91 812 11.78
1978 3629   924 1.96 929 15.43
1979 3857   1040 2.35 999 16.32
1980 3857   1095 2.91 1111 20.90
1981 3857   1179 3.54 993 23.26
1982 3857   1266 3.34 1098 27.02
1983 3857   1237 3.36 1208 30.00
1984 3849   1312 3.28 1209 35.56
1985 3888   1273 3.70 1250 35.00
1986 3888   1401 3.74 1480 44.09
1987 3888   1567 4.07 1458 50.63
1988 3888   1664 3.92 1545 53.59
1989 3888   1646 4.44 1689 79.36
1990 3888   1567 4.02 1708 77.50
1991 3888   1047 2.71 1211 79.72
1992 3888   1174 3.08 1938 128.08
1993 3888   784 3.53 2330 286.26
1994 3888   600 2.41 2996 302.28
1995 3888   649 2.30 3017 317.01
1996 3888   714 2.29 3355 304.57
1997 3725   729 2.13 3555 322.92
1998 3725   728 1.60 3700 367.55
1999 3701   721 1.44 4079 416.48
2000 3701   726 1.44 4078 358.63
2001 3701   680 1.13 4535 427.39
2002 3701   643 1.03 4950 462.62
2003 3955 3245 707 1.11 6324 835.07
2004 3955 3245 897 1.32 7567 964.99
2005 3955 3245 985 1.39 9210 1134.64
2006 3955 3245 1148 1.50 10841 1434.92
2007 3955 3245 1320 1.75 12130 1553.84
note: freight traffic and turnover ton-kilometers from 2003 include the data of xiaman ocean company , and are not comparable with that in 
previous years.