10-11  竣工房屋建筑面积(2005-2007年)
floor space of completed building,2005-2007
单位:万平方米       (10000 sq.m)
        item 2005 2006 2007
总计 total      4191.35    4825.62      6010.26
厂房、仓库 factory building          1012.43    1493.91      1749.90
住宅       residential building    2257.72    2425.14      3100.71
办公用房     building for office     314.46     321.28       457.67
批发和零售用房 building for wholesal and retail  trade      66.77      55.95        90.48
住宿和餐饮用房 building for lodgings and gatering services      67.32      61.21        66.29
居民服务业用房 building for resident services      42.04      46.90        57.61
教育用房 building for education     244.18     203.08       203.30
文化、体育和娱乐用房 building for culture, sports and enterainment      33.02      47.56        61.40
卫生医疗用房 building for medical      31.50      28.76        43.35
科研用房 building for scientific research       5.48       6.72        11.32
其他 others           116.44     135.12       168.24